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Her Forgotten Mate

Chapter 3 : The Healer’s Rooms

Word Count: 1497    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

for the first night in a long time, she

d here, in the Moirai Pack. She must have met him somewhere before, but where? She hadn’t eve

around today, so she might see h

anyone in the world she could see again. She wondered what he would th

ready for the day. Whoever had set her apartment up h

her suitcases and trunks, and pulled out black jeans and a white

uld be a coat for her

ing her freezer was stocked with about three w

ure, appliances, everything inside of it, completely set up. In return, she would join their Pack as their healer.

ft the pack, she wouldn’t be welcomed here again.

Alpha and his Luna were to always be her absolute priority, so if they needed her during the day, she would be expected to drop a

m as she ate breakfast. She sorted through her patient list, about three pages l

ores to be

r Rooms to be washed

ooms to b

nt room to

rown away outside

d at the end of the day.

leaned, curtain

n added more, and then made some up. Elizabeth stared at the list, absolutely confused. Were these del

e end of the list, and saw th

to her by accident. It wa

was also very grateful to be given a home and everything here. But, she wondered,

e was worried she would


tten in the swing of everything. She

g, sheets, towels, curtains, everything she could find that was on her list of to b

t’s rooms and the entrance room. She’d f

ines that were provided behind the healers tents, and went back inside. When she deemed the

first patient

he’d managed to half transform while hunting, she set up her sal

o all of them as she rooted around for the stuff she needed to treat each of

ind and wise. It seemed everyone in the pack had good things to say about their Alph

f the Pack, one old woman had g

sen it, and end it. But they can also change it. They work the grand design of time, they can shift it as they wish, change

d through a box to find some herbs and a salve fo

Moirai?” Elizabeth asked, more int

th turned back to her, applyin

s. Able to change the tides of time, by seeing what could be, and helping to shape the future.” T

she didn’t have to speak, but she could

e will one day have the most powerful Luna of all. Someone that th

s strength. But perfect sight was impossible. The

Luna that will know how to lengthen it.” She patted the bandage El

cleared her throat.

abeth on the hand, “I

, and Elizabeth watched her last patient le

er chores, and she just managed a quick sho


Then he just assumed she was helping out wherever she could, in between seeing to patients. Then when he saw her sit down on a random wall to close her eyes for

ady to rip Bass’s throat o

perseverance. James had trained, fought and served his old Alpha dutifully. B

llenged James to a fight. He’d felt threatened by James. Why exact

had to do w


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