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A Marriage of Alphas

Chapter 5 : The Threats and Promises

Word Count: 1266    |    Released on: 06/12/2021


take with me, and what I should leave behind. Do I take the small statue of the Moon Goddess that has been sit

Asher? I know we both need each other’s help to achieve our goals, but I’m not sure if I want to leave my pack. The members alwa

tions we’ve had. I want to be able to trust him, and have his support, but it’s going to take a lon

droom, unannounced, and p

“Are you trying to

set him off further, “I have no

arper!” Artemis shouts

here and scream at me like that. He may be getting the Alpha ti

g to keep my temper in check, “I’m not playing any g

ou trying to find a way to make Father reconsid

umming it with Asher. We’re in love and getting married.” I turn around to finish packing the l

’m immature? You’re the one

lie, “One day yo

ng, I know it. This is too sudden and quick for it to be a coincid

ha wasn’t meant to be, I was born to be



me, guiding the way to Harper’s secret hideaway. The dinner tonight was tense with both Harper and I’s families being suspicious about the w

me. I freeze, instincts preparing to enter attack mod

here?” I

us you idiot.” Dea

d I turn around, “A

taking a late-night stroll around the

you out

eded some ti

. Julius places a hand on my shoulder, “Are you sure

“Of course I am

ntinues to question me, “Is this the right t

with me marrying Harper?” Now I’m conf

s of the wolves under my command. As their Alpha, the pack trusts the decisions I

not be okay with such a big change,”

r you need to d

t the selfishness of my uncles, “I’m the Alp

power my uncles have over me is becoming clearer by the day. I need to break

ur pack needs.” I turn away from them, done with the conversatio

w. Fresh air will help calm my anger. I need to relax and keep

an ambience feel. The tension in my shoulders disperse, and I feel I can breathe

s staring up at the moon. I know why she

ce whenever you’re here.” My voice is lo

n’t be sorry. If you’re

eyes and lies on the grass, I follow suit. I let the cool air take over my body, beginning to

ining under the moonlight. I know s

ing?” Harper’s voice is so

e want to accomplish, and this seems like

stick to the plan, you will get you

an, got it.” Wha

les at me, “Let’s go f

ing to my feet

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