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A Marriage of Alphas

Chapter 8 : The First Night

Word Count: 1351    |    Released on: 06/12/2021


n’t be right. I said I would fake marry th

the party, a member dropped our luggage off in he

bed, “The compound is at capacity. Besides, if we’re g

in both of our plans, I hadn’t stopped

don’t snore,” I say, w

n the far-right corner of the room, with the ensuite situated next to it. The bed sheets are black with gold patterns and details c

“As far as I

tion. I scan the spines of the novels, making a mental note of the

night.” I hate being tou

y together so we don’t need to b


ing. It doesn’t take me long to realiz

y things?” I ask. Asher is occupie

r clothes in and you can put any other objects on

ck in s

as feeling sticky and gross after the party today. Multiple drunk people spilt their drinks on me during the a

ng evening with the rain and the comfortable bed. Asher gets in beside me. He has cute plaid pajamas on, whic

egin tomorrow,” Asher’s voice is softer th

ad, “Yeah,

is exhausted, feeling the effects of the strenuous day. As much as I want to fall asleep in


ot morning yet. I haven’t been able to take my eyes off the roof. It’s not because I’m paral

iac brain fall asleep. I roll on my left side and see Asher’s lips in the darkness. Soon, I

ve seen him since we met. During the day he appears stressed and anxious, but at

heep, I count the fre

freckles, three f

eyelids get heavy. I don’t fight what’


up under my chin, snuggling further into it. I’m assuming th

und. Light shines out from under the bathroom door, creat

o myself, rolling over to che

e? Why is he showerin

my eyes and pretend to be asleep. A few moments later I he

moves slowly around the room. He’s trying to be quiet but at times he’ll close a drawer to

tanding by the desk, he’s flicking through some papers. He turns around wh

annot tear my eyes away. I can’t quite make out the ink on his skin, but I do notice a large scar

bed, I close my eyes, breakin

me out?” His voice sca

ink I was watching him because I like him. I

,” My voice comes out s

throughout the ro

ht in bed, “I’m

his head, his hair falls in a tangled

the sheets, “Why are you awake so e

I assume, “Not in particular. I start my morning w

person,” I grumble, pulling

ide of the bed. I pull the

You don’t need to rush into the

I roll across the bed to turn the lamp off, need

e a good impression, but I’m exhausted as I haven’t slept muc

ithin minutes I’m falling asleep,

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