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Dark Matter ( Unknown Origins Book One)

Chapter 2 Episode 2

Word Count: 2681    |    Released on: 25/11/2021

her. Turning to her bedside, she opened her school bag and broug

forehead. She felt like she had cried her eyes out. Putting her thoughts aside, she took a shower in the bathroom embedded in

m the wide-open door, makin

you forgotten how to use your hands properly, "she ex

l me, what was Liam doing in your room last night ?” she asked, making May

d turned to May, then bouncing on her bed “he s

straight into her eyes with a sly smile drawn across her face “y

disagreed, int

this, I'll tell them that you

Stacey said, sta

t of her room screaming “Stacey has a cru

to her” Stacey shouted back an


ng ll, right in front of the buffet Mike and Li

urtsy. Liam greeted back impressed on how she acted, entirely igno

r table. She stood there with both her hands together behind her back for a while, hoping that Liam will at least notice her, which he didn't, so


said to Mike, finally raising his he

"Mike replied drinking his juice sob

yet” Liam

Mr Matt as the students liked to call him

woods camping trip !!” He said joyously, which received applause

rtable and enjoy the entire day doing what you wish. Explore the woods and so much m

admiring his curly hair, light bl

n is cute in you

Liam is way co

have a great! Fun! Camping TRIP !!” He shouted, returning to his conversation with the principal, leaving the hall

he was supposedly buried and tried to open hi

nor what was happening to him now. He suddenly could feel the ground many feet beneath and around him, as well as the roots of trees and the dead animals that were there. Panicked, he couldn't feel afraid nor his pulse, so he checked his heartbeat but couldn't feel anything. Frustrated he

efore jumping into the river below but, instead

he exclaimed

iously raised his right hand and a hand came out of the sand at arm's length. Staring in astonishment, he stretched his hand to fell the strange black hand, and It was like clay and sandy soil loosely mixed. He brought down his hand and the black hand disappeared back into the sand, normally his heart

quiet hum was he

turned around, but he didn't find

least rabbits have instincts, I'm not sure that you have

son exclaim

ould not feel anything but calm since

you,” Jason asked, run

!” It hum

nd why are you

ignored his

can find as many rabbits as you wish” Jason begg

need an intelligent life form as a host sinc

Mike, he has a good body” Jason responded, sounding

d be sustained by a new host, besides if


er, and I am the force that keeps it together and especially the

hell is da

he rabbits” Dark matter mutt

if talking to Dark Matter face to face. If Jason was ser

his hands on his chin, reflecting on what to do n

eady started searching for me, and they can

our habitat

porarily at the camp, eas

irection you w

ed, not sure what

. As soon as his feet left the ground, sandy hands p

he ga

think of that possibility. Instead of crashing loudly on the roof, his

ming back his body. Once complete, he was so surprised that he

Everything is held by dark matter except the light,

sunglasses, making

n the morning, Jason collapsed exhausted

at everything was back to normal. But he could feel t

and. As expected, a sandy hand rose from the floor. He re

tell me what you are?” He ask

ace, and why are you even insi

was the only reply he heard, as the hand l

idn't feel hungry, he walked to the edge of t

rong with it. It seemed to turn into dust the moment it touched his

heck!” he

eat you highly stupid one, I am now y

e wondering about how his life would become from then on, but he was just as calm as ever. Thinking about the day before, he regretted ever following May and negle

dining hall, he only thoug

ound the corner with Sta

eyes thoroughly

” She muttered," Who

talking about

xclaimed, and ran towards h

and hugged him, imm

're alright, we were

lly alive?**

ain reaction in Jason’s head, but he f

his head close to hers in an attempt to comfort him through wha

e,” he said, trying hi

r and hugged him, still confused about what had earlier occurred the day before, and was still wonder

edictable, and he didn’t know what he could do. Feeling her heartbeat, he remembered that this is

e he wasn’t as emotional as he was usually, but decided

d to tell her how he had felt for her ages

ay you


ething to tell you” *What i


a crush

es she wondered why he was tell

lly appreciated my c

w” gigglin

o you feel the same f

end” they were now alone in the woods

exactly if I may ask,” J

ounded in Jason’s ear



ple on this earth you

not a bad per

tion on you, and you didn’t

cing you it’s just that … you won’t understand,” she sai

er I…” she paused, not wanti

uneasy. His head felt like

h n

!” He e

tting worried. Jason instinctivel

y ru

why?" May asked,

k Matter taking control of his body, so he raised his hands high with all his might trying to sto

e camp to avoid harming anyone but unknown to him Mike

when May took to her heels, and when t

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