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Saved by the Billionaire

Chapter 2 Homeless

Word Count: 1576    |    Released on: 26/11/2021


lmost dawn, so I had to get up before people started doing morning jogs. I hated the looks that people gave me.

wasn't anything new. It came with being pregnant, and it came with living on the concrete or park benches. I tried living in shelters, but they were awfu

hands on it. "Good morning, baby girl." I

Nothing else mattered but her. I've been going to a free clinic and the nurses there were sw

entered the restroom. I looked in the mirror at myself. My dark hair was

big clothes were

ed one of the stalls. I took off my clothes then used the rag

rance of the park. If I didn't have a big dirty duffle bag on my shoulder, I'd look like any normal pregnant teen. But it wasn't the case because the duffle bag was proof of the hard life I've lived. I left Illinois the day after my mother kicked me out and never went back. Ev

llars a day, which was enough to buy food and beverage and to save I had to save, I have a baby

mes Square, so I just started to walk aro

d I ge

ruined because I thought I was in love with someone, so I gave them my body. Looking back, I realize that even though W

shared with my mother. It wasn't silk, but it

uld have gone hell over earth for me, a

in this cr

at Will would accuse me of cheating. I didn't know t

ople mean when they say

here I'd stay for four years. Afterwards, I would have gotten a job as a Civil Construction Project Manager. I'd build places, homes and offices

her. Each one got his try on her body, and there was nothing I could have done but sit in terror and watch

t the way life is supposed to be for me. So I fight both physically and mentally. I found a pocket knife on th

ess, but it

my mother lived. I didn't want to work in a diner with customers yelling a

nt for a lif

ways forgave her for putting me through this hell. I also always thanked her because every d

ne. I looked up at the menu. The breakfast prices weren't too bad. If I bought an Omelette with mint tea, I'd have some money left for lunc

can I get for you this morning?" the sm

Can I have an Omelette with

little purse from the side of the duffle bag. I pl

little angry, so I quickly apologized. 'I'm s

eipt. I moved and walked over to the

in a red ha

tea. The earlier I went to the square, the more likely to get money or see people rushing to work and not realizing that their wallet was dropping out of their pocket. I didn

t la


amaze me. As a small-town girl who wasn't use to seeing so many tall buildings in one area, it amazed

s. So mesmerized by my surroundings that I didn't lo

l sparkings blue eyes. "I'm sorry." he quickly apologizes when he noticed

h the enchanting eyes. For some reason, my body shive

urney once again, but I couldn't stop t

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