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Saved by the Billionaire

Chapter 3 Stalker

Word Count: 1662    |    Released on: 26/11/2021

ree days. New York was booming. Maybe it was the people passing me so fat, while I sat on a piece of clot

n the ground, looking at people with desperate eyes was just too much for me as a pregnant teen to deal with. So I brought an

continue their journey. Or sometimes people would ignore me and look straighahead acting as if they did not see a

nd my child's better. Everyone I love gave up on me. I wasn't out on these s

h2ead to draw what I saw. I did that until I got every shadow and curve

nchanting blue eyes that I made brief contact with yesterday. The handsome stranger was across the street looking me. He was standing there, and it was kind of creepy, so I started to pack u

work for the police or child services, and I didn't want to be seen by any of those official

an alley and took a deep breath. Running wa

nd waited for my body to calm do

ift my head at the voice, and I was met with the same

embled as I reach f

I'm not trying to hurt

ed with a fro

into me and then I saw you again in Time S

to find the knife in the side of my bag. C'mon. When I don't want you,

ith me, and I'll e

would kidnap, rape or steal from anyone but you can't be too

e I'm not going to hurt you

he possibly pull with hundreds of persons walking around. "Okay, f

to take the bag from you. You're pregnant you're not supposed t

pe of man who would want anything from a homeless girl's bag, so why not let him hold it. Th

see if I was still there. Even if I wanted to run away from him, I wouldn't. Not without the three thousand

e entered a simple restaurant. We

eyes. "Explanation time. Start wi

is Uvaldo

usual name. "Is tha

o retrieve his wallet. He took out his ID and Driver's lic

an unusu

a complim

name. People always make lame jokes about it too." My real name wasn't Tiffany; it wa

fany is a be

blush from creeping up my

raised his br

or short of it. My real name was Jakobia Taylor. Everyone who k

time since I laid eyes

, Uva

e and looked between us. "Wha

n for me," Uvaldo answered without look

looked at Uvaldo. I didn't want to order something too cheap to off

it, I didn't mean he likes to spend money on

sure what exactly an EBC was, but I'll find out. The peppermint tea was right on point. Always mint, never c

for?" he must work for some agency, why else would be wasting his time sitting in front

k for

e unem

business. I

By giving me a job?" A job would be good at the moment. I cou

along to be working. You should be resting in this stage of

s, ready to defend my

but I think as a young girl, you should

age. Temporary people didn't nee

ou're twenty, pregnant, alone and homeless. It's dang

I didn't mean to sound rude, but he was telling me things I already

o help. That's wha

e you going

place to stay and

don't like shelters so if that's what y

ggesting you stay in a shelter afte

nutes, "Then where? Where would I l


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