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Billionaire Bride

Chapter 2 Unexpected

Word Count: 1043    |    Released on: 26/11/2021

er tw


with Linda walking around the ca

faculty still

Harvard University some months ago. I have no

ursemate. He is the only student t

looks low on people like ot

her without fully knowing about her pers

miled fa

ng hands when I saw Edward from a f

n the whole campus except the guy that's coming in o

But why?"

ic, that's why I stayed by myself until I me



e, Lin

ady came to where I sat...Excuse me,

d her. I told her I can't, she raised her hand to slap me but s

ng your mate like your

him and landed a ho

aming. I pitched my cheeks to wake

two hot slapss in her two cheeks. She wanted to r

d event funny".I sa

at funny? She as


of his crusheses. She loves Edward but he hatess h

da asked i

you confront a guy who is not intereste

Edward, I laughed out loud and leave her presence not allowin

nny. How can I stopmyself so low

ter not knowing Edward i


d still laughing. A guy i

and looks charming

ward cuts

and hug Amelia while he str

melia cu

y new friend,

l and

ushing and

meeting you Li

amiliar. I know him somewhere but where did I know


numberof timess have c

r. I just remem

ward cuts

amiliar. Have seen you s

? I exc

once come to our house to celebrate my dad's birthda

remember. This must not be

is head trying to recap wher

guys,, let's g

n our faculty?

I n

re room, after an hour t

the restroom leaving Edward an

and used his han

lem, I asked

u somewhere. Haven't you seen

n't. I repl

back from

thing to eat, Ameli

full for no

ing glowed?

s, so we are now one,

for ice cream then, I

ey both

cream with different flavors, mine is strawber

ont. Edward is with a camera to snap me but I turned fastly

look up at the guy whic

? he y

g my expensive

aking and shivering. I hate people yelli

hand, I touched his jacket to clean but he s


and rushed to Linda who is l

s are already closed, I

oo, I cr

and rushed her to

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