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Billionaire Bride

Chapter 3 It's all imagination

Word Count: 1161    |    Released on: 26/11/2021



firmary. They commenced treating her, she opened her e

and closed dow

all this is just an imagination. I loo

lean it for him or else you

ound Amelia and Edward

to me, while I shift backward

nd my head. I can't look at him be

you? He

I manage

ross the wall bloc

two options to survive from

ng to look at his face

choose one out of

this model or you plant some flo

I asked

time starts now. He adde

much are they even selling it? It's is so embarrassing and disgusting. I have the money

e money b

y guffy. Linda, you need to be bol

d the people in the

me but I ignored

in the guy's direction. I face him bo

sed to stop the gaze. Our eyes a

eautify the school than buying you a wor


s just beautiful and has salacious looks will

l, I said

ed flowers and you will

leted in a day while the


w. Are you fine with that? Hope

ou can

e raised her

ssists you. Your w

erk....she said an

he Almighty Alex's punishment. Hell nooooo, I yell


u treat people like that because you are ric

Amelia who is beside me leave and

saw Alex again walking in their

again? I ye

satisfied? A

my leave now, see you tomorrow.

melia called as

I heard Am

You need to settle down before

, call me when you reach home. Linda said and

and see Edwa

m an influential family, she won't be

He will surely see my red

asked me to call he

s phone. He drives out his car from the garage.

d calm myself a

ied including my parents. I arranged my hai

od to go. I mumble

ntered. Lia is the fi

u enjoy that college? He

plendid and l

o to the office toda

because there is a family outing to

wow! l

tank top and black trousers to fit with my sne

room. Mum and Dad are also ready. We leave the house and w

said and move to my latest car

th the same only the colors are different. I ask

went to Shasha's office to carry her. She

low a little bit. I

sha, Lai's

he hair bond

gives my hai

!! Shas


alight. We sit around a table w

start snapping my parents a

s came fo

my order and ope

e waitres

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