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Wildest Dream

Chapter 4 WD 4

Word Count: 1616    |    Released on: 26/11/2021


school today. I almost didn't feel like going i

be strong. I will just get m

d, I sluggishly went out of my

oom and instead I went straight to

ip, I received a text

use I was really annoyed because they were still worried that I would go home e

o drive fast

scholl I immediately saw Jordan

went to the par

trance so that Jordan and I co

to Jordan, more and more stud

whispering to each other. And

hey stare of me as if I've

I won't let Jordan know that I have a big problem bec

raight to Jordan smili

at his place,

buddy." Widely

ou buddy."

round to ente

, I was really shaken because

ight because someone was shouti

g us shouted. I didn't recognize her because she w

ing woman but as she got closer and closer, Jordan


aughed at th

y face. He also comes from a rich family and her mother is a famous fa

ar away? You're shouting what's go

ath so she couldn'

to drink first because I always

of us. But if she stared, it was as if we had commi

asn't talking,

ou just stare a

all we defeated with James' group

em but deeper and deeper what I think is. I suddenly remembered that I punched James in his face yesterday and

ppen because of that bullshit

eone tapped me on the shoulder becaus

you so stand the

ou know that." I innocently asked her

ral on social me

sighed at the same time. Before we even

topped talking in the hall w

use the class room is so quiet, so before we en

n, I was still wondering if I would tel

ould have come back if Tricia

oom is quiet because there's alr

just n

room, Tricia suddenly grabbed my hand so I

don't look happy you should be happy now because we

hand to her and then I walked into the class

om, the three of us peeked first so that when

riting on the blackboard was

e were still standing straight when

Miss Mill

Margaret said while poin

one of the t

d at our classmates, they just stopped laughing. But

could see in our teacher's f

nt president of the sc

said that Jordan and I wen

a held my hand so I looked at her and I just smi

the principal office

ffice when Jordan was about to

vous Jordan

w it's their fault so let's not b

reath first and I t

more nervous because my mommy w

she smiled. So I didn

rents when the principal to

cipal spoke immediately an

this mess I will not tolerate him and I apologize to your children and es

emed like he just didn't exist because


take a deep breath b

ose with him at the same time. "They will be expelled eff

when I hear what m

ed at me with a smile on her lips and that's why I s

nd her friend. I don't agree with your decision. There are s

red while talki

rs. Brown that

e are many other ways to p

essed by what our pare

she was still about cry bec

ems confused to

ologize to Jordan and Jasmine as well as their par

e all looked around to see where they were, but when we looked

ologized a lot for wh

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