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My Husband is from the Stone Age Era

My Husband is from the Stone Age Era

Author: faineyy

Chapter 1 Xiong Ye

Word Count: 2633    |    Released on: 26/11/2021

e sky and dappled across t

ranches and used their broad l

y stars and dots of light remained by the time t

hrough, and the speck

saurus approximately one meter in length with tiny

bird-footed dinosaur. It was a hunting

ning that there was no danger, it used the arrow-shaped teeth on both si

. But right at this moment, a huge brown bear sprang

urus to escape the brown bear, an

bear final

ound had been crushed – just now, the brown bear had used its own weight and crushed the Lesothosaurus to death… After all, even i

us on the ground again before suddenly transforming into a tal

it on before picking up the Lesothosaurus he had just caught and dashing through the forest, hi

oon arrived at the valley

vegetation. The soil on the ground had been trampled flat by people passing t

debris. A steep mountain slope on one side was covered in man-made st

ily doing things in one corner of the square. When they saw the man

e, you’r

went out for a short while and sti

ho had a beautiful figure, swallowed and said, “This Le

rey over, laughed and passed by the group as he

e—Shi Li will be very happy that

m go and returned to their work—they w

ing became public property that belonged to the entire tribe, and after the tribe had prepared it, everyone in the tribe regardless of their gender or age would have a share. Of course, the best parts wo

ir most favorite foods. Some vagrant beastmen who hunted in their animal forms would tear a

ife and stared at the back of Xiong Ye’s figure in admiration, “Xiong Ye is really powerful! He went hunting with everyon

for the flame flowers to blossom, they will become mates with t

got together with whomever they liked. They would have children with whomever th

ildren, and the father of these

ssomed, they would no longer be allowed to separate, and the other beastmen would no longer try to

lieved in their lo

o doesn’t know that? Alas! Why did Xiong Ye choose Shi Li as his ma

e previous patriarch of the tribe, had sired nine children amongst five women. The curre

ctually decided to become mates with a

to this point, she felt

ration. Xiong Ye had awakened as an extraordinarily powerful brown bear, and she had told her good

ed to siring children and being a father couldn’t see th

to find a permanent mate, but he

er at the skinny man

neration, the next strongest would be Hu Yue. Unfortunately, Hu Yue was female,

n with those men who couldn’t beat her

ed her knife down and easily split the

arrow contained within was a rare delicacy that als

children, Xiong Ye had already brought the Lesothosaurus with him and arrived at

s. Every beastman would awaken their beast form at around the age of ten, and then they would be able to fight and hunt

nd awakened his brown bear form that was the same as his father’s. He t

ally been called ‘Li’, and after he awake

r the children and the elderly. When going up the stairs beside it, one would arrive at the second and third levels that he

e was on the

e was wearing an animal skin skirt as he lay at the base of the valley on a

those who became brown bears all had the habit of hibernating in wint

still fasci

d could never look enough

’t that ear

led out as his mouth curved up

articipate in collective hunts every o

ling to go out again in the afternoon. However, Xiong Ye had worried that the food t

d managed to catch a Lesothosau

it was enough for him, Shi Li, and Shi Li’s family to eat their fill over the next two days. There was no coll

eight, and his beast form was no longer as burly as

pened his eyes, looked around and scowl

Ye reached out and patt

as shocked as he looked over at Xi

of doubt and disbelief, staring at Xiong Ye as

e feel rather strange, “Shi

cowling as he looked around, then looked down

in the tribe, and powerfully built. His head of long, brown hair had grass stuck in i

ittle awkward and reached out to

Li back to his senses, a

n shifted again before he abruptly

hi Li’s animal skin skirt whose string had broken due to Shi Li’

s Shi L

younger brother had come to

bear form. Seeing his uncle catch fish in the river, he had followed by his side to learn and ended up learning to do it in e

, planning to bring them back to eat. Unexpectedly,

lf in the process. He quickly went to find his uncle for help, and then his uncle brough

lion cub had

lasting harm, but his mother had been very, very weak, and had almost died. The gr

e of them settled in w

ted as members of the tribe. Xiong Ye’s uncle, the tribal chief, only allo

finally accepted this outsider family. Last year, when Shi Li became an adult, a

him along to catch fish, small dinosaurs, and even insects. The feelings between the two of them became better and better, and they were almost inseparable. At the end of

Li would have rushed over to discuss how to eat thi

was reall

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