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My Husband is from the Stone Age Era

Chapter 3 Zhou Ji

Word Count: 2645    |    Released on: 26/11/2021

man in the tribe. Unfortunately, this man, who had awakened as a brown

was very strong, she couldn’t always look after Xiong Ye. So after Xiong Ye awakened his animal form when he was ten, he took the initiative to move out

basic food allocation from the tribe, and at the same time,

ew plants that could be collected, so they went to

sabled would generally lay down in the valley or in the cave to conserve their physic

t hunting. Back then, he had thought that when he grew up, he would become as powerful as his fath

act like everyone else and do nothing simply because he was hung

m, and before Xiong Ye turned ten, he liked to ask them about what it was like outside. He learned how to fish, how to set traps, and even l

lessly help Grandpa Priest wit

impossible for them to eat well. However, Xiong Ye knew how to get around and could always feed himself well

l warriors in the tribe right after reaching adulthood – just having a st

urus, Xiong Ye returned to his cave where the

thing inside except for a stone bowl

d and hay in the cave, but after winter had passed,

the other day, and now the cav

ven to Shi Li’s mother and younger brother to live in, and he would de

the entrance, then brought some of it into the cave before turnin

ould be used for the fire in the future. The remaining tree

und wasn’t comfortable at all. They would normally

lt that he should be a little more particular, so he set up a layer of wood according to Grandpa Hou’s instructions and created a

make some tables and stools… He cou

eces of wood, he heard his uncle’s voice

lying in the corner and practically flew outside. Th

from childhood – no matter how busy

time for everyone was

ld obtain a big piece of meat. As the chief of the tribe, Xiong

e most tender part of the meat, and sent it to the pries

ly made way so that the hunting team c

tions would receive additional rewards for their efforts. When it was Xiong Ye’s turn, Xiong He no

went to the bonfire and bar

other, and roasted their meat around th

nd tried to look fo

he division of meat before. Sometimes, he would even begin t

Shi Li, and could only s

It was a very large piece of meat, and the two of them wouldn’t have received that muc

present, he was very polite to Xiong Ye, “He’s sleeping. H

ut down some trees that night, but since Shi Li wanted to sl

es, he can give S

and ate a quarter of his portion of meat,

he winter, and in truth, he couldn’t get used to not having anything save

ood. Some would only eat a fifth or less – the hunting team wouldn’t be going o

here was bone sou

tables to make soup. Although the taste wasn’t very goo

go get soup–he didn’

e remainder of the meat back to his cave and stored it away, then left the c

was made out of wood and vines, and

fourteen, and her animal form was very weak. But because she was very vigilant in her

r her to do so, since everyone sho

o Jin meowed, licked her

, opened the doo

went further out, skillfully shuttling his way through the forest, and soon cam

and leaves, he was soon left with a thick chunk of woo

go, then realized that he wouldn’t be ab

sounded out. Xiong Ye raised his head and saw someon

o pieces around his upper body, covering up his back and chest… In their tribe, generally speaking, only women who

n chillier at night. Zhou probably hung those bur

e?” Xiong Ye was


ice that Zhou was holding

asn’t very big and was very sour, but it was very common

look for this kind of fruit to eat even tho

picked some for Shi Li–at the time, Shi Li and his family hadn’t yet joine

bit warmer. Most of the plants were still only just flowering at the

help.” Could Zhou’s small bod

four pieces of wood, then removed the leather he’d wrap

forms. He normally wouldn’t do this, but he wasn’t worried about it today

the other party return together with him–he couldn’t s

; he had turned his head away and didn’t turn

ty to follow him then led the way,

t Zhou wouldn’t b

east. They shed a minimal amount of light, but it was enough for Xiong Ye to

tunately, his movements were too big, and those little d

was a bit of a pity, b

of the night, and it wasn’

ked up the pace, but Zhou unexpectedly r

his head and gav

al strength wasn’t bad. That made sense. When Zhou’s mother wa

rink well every day, so Zhou’s hea

wasn’t as though they couldn’t participate in the hunts. Xiong Ye fe

tribe, and the chief should be re

m, one in front and one behi

really amazing that you followed behind me for so long without falling behind. In the future, you should exercis

. Some people liked to gnaw on a few mouthfuls of grass when they were in animal for

… probably wasn’t g

iong Ye at some point, turned back and

“You’ve awakened? What kind of animal is


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