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Wanting Damien

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1124    |    Released on: 30/11/2021

irtless, and she was really gaping

ery messy before he could say anything hi

she went back to her room and sat on the bed. H

wasn't sure as to what was going

she couldn't get over to how good-loo

shook her head, she had to go to bed as she had to wake up at

to do to him but stopped herself when she

tired than ever, she had hardly gotten

ormal routine of making the food and

ing R

Mrs. Ch

the afte

ou so mu

and removed her uniform, she went to go slee

up a storm. There was so much food ordered for tonight and

d. She had sweated so much and pret

ke sure everythin

ld you care

rs. Charlotte's v

being made and we made

to bed she supposed, that was a win for her. She wanted to so

a messy ponytail and placed them in her pocket. She followe

was seated at the table and ev

ake any seat. Raven sat at the end of the table, she looked at

taff had put on make-up and perfume to im

rom the ingredients and cooking. She was sw

or the dinner to begin, she was pr

u don't, my name is Damien. I'm twenty-seven

ful at such a young age. Raven lightly poked the g

o for a living?

know them? They are very popular and

e star

was cut off: "Can you speak when it's your

s reprimanded. She was in high school she supposed when her teac

d away and acted as if s

elves. I don't want you guys to think that you are working for a faceless person. S

window. Ain't no way that this was going to finish early

, "My name is Raven, I am the che

r the next girl to go who was surpris

ug in. She smiled glad that everyone loved her food. Sh

rls that sat next to him at the top of

irl in here do too. She stole a glance at him again but this time her eyes

ad he just undressed her in his mind. Her

eddening. Raven felt the fatigue kicking in

nymore and she decided to get up and leave

arted to make her w

ere are y

d said her name felt like a caress, "I'm going to have

her answer, "Sw

ank you.

sitting in the bathtub. She felt a bit humiliated

he bathtub and decid

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