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Wanting Damien

Chapter 10 Ten

Word Count: 568    |    Released on: 21/01/2022

up and he did the same. He grabbed her wrist and

y arrived at the mansion. Raven didn't blink

d gone out and probably looking for Damien. The minute the door to his room sh

and she bounced lightly. Damien was hovering over her in

nd how ripped he was. Damien was way different from her ex in bed an

hands over them, she was losing her mind over hi

ny longer. When it was time for him to put it in Raven took a deep breath and went in. Damien moved

turned away from her and he faced his side. He probably was tired

up the next morning she found that Damien

got dressed. She smiled ear to ear, she knew Damien was definitely the guy

and the future and where they were going with this. She had enjoyed every

breakfast and lunch. Raven became a bit worried, if she was making food, it meant he was he

front him and she went up to his room, she

opened and it was a new girl and she could tell that

she felt sick. She turned away withou

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