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THE RENNINGTON CHRONICLES: Book 1 - The Night Professor

THE RENNINGTON CHRONICLES: Book 1 - The Night Professor

Author: PF Felix

Chapter 1 Fallen Springs

Word Count: 1103    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

City o

lear plant, belching into the night sky and permeating surrounding areas. As frightened citizens ran out onto the streets, they began to witness firsthand the blasts’ aftermath. Windows shattered; structures were demolished; car alarms were triggering throughout, saturating the air like a clamorous symphony, while nearby emergency systems slowly

ream for the region. The fear of possible devastation clouded the petrified citizens’ thoughts, as many students and families lived or worked on campus. What if they are hurt? several contemplated. What if the school was destroyed? Dreary thoughts ran through the minds of many, espec

l businesses, government, the clergy, and lastly, the local school, “SAINT BARTHOLOMEW ACADEMY OF THE SACRED HEARTS” (SBA). SBA was the only school in the town, and because of its boarding status, all attendees were required to live onsite during academic periods. To guardians and parents, the fear of the unknown grew more daunting by the second. As residents ran closer

egion back under another state of emergency. Radio services remained inoperable; TV stations were now down as well. Many gathered in solidarity around law enforcement to hear what was going on. Screaming babies and the affected lamented through the night, scared with toxic fumes to fill their nauseated bel

it was JUDGEMENT. Media shots of the rescued students and staff tearing up from smoke inhalation or injuries while escaping were heart-rending. Only two-th

triggered the fire. He was knocked over a sea of chemicals nearby, exposed wires from what police could tell. They believe that the substances ate through the cables triggering the fire that ruptured within the Observatory and later throughout the estate, sending a chain reaction throughout the town. Forensics uncovered trails of a large animal’s footprints, nothing more. As reporters swarmed around the school, awaiting Sheriff Malachi’s statement, the community banded together in a prayer-like fashion as yellow tape dec

e further stated that the campus was now uninhabitable with a spooked and melancholy demeanor and would be closed indefinitely. The Sheriff refused to share the body count, just limited details about the devastation. As he trembly carried on, a hailstorm appeared out of nowhere

It's a sign!" her friend wa

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