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THE RENNINGTON CHRONICLES: Book 1 - The Night Professor


Word Count: 2600    |    Released on: 06/12/2021

n Route to

for transport. The paperwork given to the security escort read "MYRA BENJAMIN," as this was her new identity while in th

hter privately. She then leaned in to whisper, saying, "Remember what we spoke about? Any problems, and it's the end for you, got it! Should you fail, you will be disowned, and probab

ring her Mother's ill-spoken threats, having already endured it for years

elcome to

tech. I thought this was cow country, she told herself. Watching the townsfolk roaming around, seemingly in good spirits, differed drastically from the tubed videos she watched depicting the cat

t up the hillside, which meant the school was

ging ahead. The gorgeous title stoo


unteers lining up around the building and the influx of cars, supply trucks, and food shipments, crowding all entrances into the estate, leaving

self-register as the school was awaiting her reporting in and were fully aware of her court and house-arrest orders. He then wished her the best, but she surprisingly hugged him, thanking him for making her la

...In the

ne with onboarding gift bags paraphernalia post-sign-up. On the walls, there was historical literature showcasing SBA’s history dating back to the

. However, when she tried to hurry back, she found herself lost in the enormous halls. “SHIT!” she excl

her. The agitated receptionist proceeded to review the files, and as soon as she saw her name, she stared intensely at the young girl before turning to make a call. She told Myra to “Please, take a seat.” As

wearing a Nun’s habit with sweats underneath came out, looking directly at Myra.

with the date of the catastrophe, as his expiration. The woman was attractive, but Myra quickly became focused on the b

n’t feed you yet?” M

or Magdalene Graeves, MD. The woman then sat in the Chancellor’s seat, reviewing Myra’s

vial. “I prefer Dr. Mags. Have a thing a

eeing the girl’s discomfort, she told her, “Don’t worry. I don’

gged her

of any trouble, and I’ll do my best to help you where I

onboarding items she received, one of which was

said, “Thank you

ou; you’ll do fine here,” she said. “

: Welco

sted by its ridiculous furnishings and petite size. What in hell? Ser

he living room and sat down on the wretched couch, congesting the center space. But she was too tired to care. She was exhausted, tired from all the betrayal, the threats, and the

: …Welc

r an excellent welcome speech and opening prayer by Dr. Mags, visitors cheered heavily for their new fearless heroine and leader, the one that never let the town down. Listening to the gossiping patrons, Myra le

lready claimed the area. While eating, she then saw a fresh pair of sneakers staring back at her. When she looked up, it was a cute, spunky little young Latin woman standing there wearing an assista

“You must b

m Myra M…

kindly, she then told her, “It’s all good. Don’t worry bout it.

n first introductions. She felt comfortable with Tari. She was easy to talk to and funny, with her quirky sensibility and comedic take

ating, and in better spirits than prior. And Tari would definitely play a perfect distraction. There was something about her, Mag’s thoug

One Aft

life from her. Too proud to ask for help, she suffered silently and only took freebies from Tari. Yet, as abysmal life was to her when she would observe her equally unfortunate coworkers, they were

n, was carrying some clean racks of dishes back from the dishwasher when she slipped and almost fell, but Myra caught her. Se

erving containers for the team. The area was set up almost like a Thanksgiving feast. Seeing Myra was oblivious in the moment, the room became surprisingly still. Only the sounds of the radio and a r

d here. Then, Maricela (the group’s matriarch) silenced their whispers, shouting… “cáll

ck to Myra, saying

esci and asked her to ma

us; no?” Ma

nded, “Ummm…I don’t h

her d


over to Myra with a few bags of

d, “Ju take t

kay. I’

w much do ju think these kids really e

I can’t afford any more pr

one of us now. Like ju, we make pennies with no overtime. Sure, we have a union, but

How the illegals survived under the radar. Any time before today, she would have

A Month

bathroom Julio’s cousin promised for weeks now, but her new comrades had something else in mind. As coworkers and friends stood around quietly, wa

” everyone

shoulder, crying, fille

eel. She brushed her hands on the built-in desk and smiled at the brand-new island-themed living room set whilst staring d

the dead o

the pit, staring purposelessly at the flames. With the crucifix in her hand, rubbing it over and over, yet nothing happened w

e recalled going to the bathroom to throw up, then finding Em face-down on the putrefied, bathroom floor. Her throat sliced, which damn near terrified the shit out of her. As she looked closer, Em’s eyes were stari

o it. Shit! Her mind howled, freaking out. As it burned, she thought, just like Em, she couldn’t save it. Now there’s nothing left. How did it fal

om her wall mirror, watching her. Its wall-to-wall fluorescent green eyes glowed at the sl

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