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Word Count: 1054    |    Released on: 07/12/2021


ketball court. Ashton had practise and he was carp

her. I saw Naomi get thrown up and I wished for nothing but for her to miss

either benefits everyone or benefits just the wish

utes before Ashton and the

mb to the home button to verify my finger print. Th

eyland, which drew a smile on my face. We had Mickey m

ng at?" I heard Asht

sh?" I asked as I went

sitting next to me as he

they rounded off. It was


sed from school? Make su


t was ju


ure you go, oh and we have a new neig

with her, I had no choice

go to the hospital." Ashton sigh

are sweaty." I tri

s body secretly." He smil

id as we burst o

d as He got up and str

bour." I said as I used his outstr

Mrs grave digger." He s

, we gave that nickname

u see in horror movies who is

use of That, my parents restricted me from going past the house or going close to the fence b

eck with her grey hair in a perm and her c

always feared going past the house, it was quite mysterious to everyone as t

e digger then." I lau

n fortified that house bef

king my car key as we saw de

as she got into the passenger seat, lea

hbour." Ashton holler

she turned to look at me. "I ho

's too young for that kind of talk." Ashto

e for once? She's a woman." De

could be some old weirdo who drinks

estiny and I yelled as

aid as he checked his v

e girl falls in love with her next door ne

ve with a grave digger, trust me." He la

they argued a lot, played a lot and d

sk them about it, so I will advise you never to bring

s eyebr

hton fast driving trying to make the tyre make f

nd to give me such

fice, destiny said she'll wait in


and Ashton.

back as he gave her

rough out yesterday." She said as she took a

t Ashton as I shuffled i

ut." She orde

t, w

ere's no way I'm talking about

She ordered again as she

d as he made his way out a

ere sayin

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