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Chapter 5 PRACTICE

Word Count: 1030    |    Released on: 07/12/2021


most four hours and all the spinning and bendin

e been dancing my whole life, since I was four, and you

after eating, it took a huge toll on me. At

parents were all cuddled up, watching a movie

to watch such a movie an

perkins." I said tiredly as

chool?" My mom asked as she tried t

was cold." My dad whined kissing my mom

, would You?" I yelled throwing my hand

led as I trudged up the staircase,

se of the strong love my parents have for each


as a fan of his, yes, because I dreamt of being a basketballer, unfortunately, my height and also because i loved he

e kobe and g

ent and probably sneak

ning breeze and my eyes made contact with

hy did I want to so badly hear the plano's enchanting sound? Or was it the player

kill me one day because I so happen t

, dumping the sour pat

n I find out my parents had gone to their room to continue the mood they were in,


l to the wall of our fence, this was my only chance to see the p

ep to the success of plan B,

y you decide to go through the fe

atch the sunset from here." I laugh

s today, but since you probably have something up your sleev

and there was no going back. Now I know, I'm not capable of being a spy, doing gymnas


bed, I felt like crying. Why did I even go? Mayb

t to check out any exciting pictures an

playing any boring game I could find and st

ed, I heard my mom call me. Arrggg

as I stood up and ma

irport." She said happily as she took the cake she bak

om? The witch is back, back

tall with pretty legs, smart and had the prettiest smile, yes, I'm angry

ifts from them regularly, but there was this particular one she had eyes for,

r got any attention from boys anytime we were together, she always stole the s

r up before she throws a tantrum about how she got sun

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