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Alpha's Slut Mate

Chapter 5 CH 05

Word Count: 1333    |    Released on: 14/12/2021





e asked as his lips cur

?" I replied wi

d faced Hadley who did no

s her

." Hadley and her minio

vi asked and pressed my lips togethe

not going to class as early as you sho

of the year party we will be having at Collins' place this


Hadley turned to look at me. "Expecting you." She fo

dley invite

me back from my thoughts. I then use

strips t-shirt and a denim jean

don't expect me to describe


ve different time and going for lunch break, the bell finally rang and the students soon dispatche

I said with an

ard a female voice s

gave you this morning wa

tell you was that don't forget to come to the pa

come?" I asked a

nt you to feel different." She said with a stup

me. I nodded. He was the one that alway

d on the speaker and it soon started booming with song. I moved my

I livi

in front o

as I got down. He smiled a

turned around and saw the familiar house

e. My mother is usually back at this time. Then I pushed the door op

response as I walked up the stairs without waiting for any word from h

ped into the bathroom and had

my clothes. I pulled a cream colored tank top and a

ut the party. I walked out of

omorrow." I announced to her. I got no reply from he

but when they discovered that I had no wolf, they all s

I should not go to the party

I get opportunities

my phone. I looked at the s

and click

I re

asked and

d you?"

ward conversation i

." He a

l eat soo

rowed my eyebrows and thoug

c. Sometimes, I don't know why. The discussion between he

sent back. Well, he just ended the discussion he

ime on my phone

other with her friends. They all stared at me like I was some alien. I threw little glares at the

the dramas I had categoriz


he ev

day of school. All we was revision. Hadley did not forget

I wore a white polo and marched it with a pair of black boot


g and I quic

outside your h

uch to my lips and spraying some perfumes on me. I breathed o

om." I

s car. He had one leg leaning again

erfect g

a black pair of trousers. He did not pull the buttons. He had muscles

I never had

't want my he

m not wasting my time fantasizing on him. H

uld last." He teased. I rolled

waiting." I said as I

door of the car open and I e

the air and mint mixed with a wood scent filled my nostrils. He looked at me wit

ng, dummy." He joked

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