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Alpha's Slut Mate

Chapter 4 CH 04

Word Count: 1334    |    Released on: 14/12/2021






and everyday of my life, I spent it trying to satisfy my parents. N

come to adopt me. All he does is go to work and come back home. Not like I have any problem with

opened it. Looking through it, I saw just how buoyant my parents were but I can proudly say that I live in a cage. Well, what the

the world. Then slowly, she started getting detached from

ft to their wolves but no, that did not apply to me. When I clocked 13, I was so eager to see

to be worried about me. Well, not that kind of worry, they were actually

e to adopt me, he wanted to have kids of his own but unfortunately, my

ing my wolf will awake me and we would do the shifting process

and I was no longer bothered as

thing wrong with me. They all thought I was human but I have this distinct

he school this morning. Well, he drops every morning. Actually, my mother forced

till have this enhanced hearing and sight. Pro


ponytail. I stared at myself with satisfaction. I am not the make up type of girl so no many things to

ritation in her voice. Ever since I could not shift s

How they always indirectly insult her for being barren

hanged in our house for the past few years. Just that we had so

e for today's breakfast. I sighed and served myself. My parents were

up and here goes the criticism. My heart skipped a beat. I believe he is the telling the princi

e and all I do is stand for myself." I explained. That principa

wn the pancake that was stuck in my throat as I stared at him. I nodded my head in response. All this while, my mother just k

she brou

and dropped the tissues

on her cheek. My mother grinned. I hurriedl

lled as I jogged

hanged his c

seat and he soon ignited the

e me and drive away. I walked into the school premises and passed through the corridors, ignoring the stares from othe

ies– Hadley and her minions– cat walked towards me w

eir snickering."

different?" I asked with an inward smirk. One thing is that I am not a weak girl. You can't bully me all because I don't have a wolf. Well, Hadley is only using that as an excuse. The main reason she was doing all these

authority towards us with his hands in his pockets. Eyes turned tow

d running in his veins. I

e." He spoke in his clear voice full of authority and power. Perks of being an Alpha. Hadley must have smelle

ut and walked past

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