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The Girl In The Hoodie

Chapter 2 Episode II

Word Count: 1252    |    Released on: 24/12/2021



s to be English, Megan is disappointed to see

mal seats in ba

nd a pen, ready to take no


y learnt

eaven and I were 𝗡𝗖𝗘𝗔 level three when we were supposed to be 𝗡𝗖𝗘𝗔 level one, so

lass, but I do anyway. The teachers gave up trying to get m

art. The teachers eventually got sick of tellin

h is tied back in a tight bun and she has those big, thick framed glasses. Her skin is slightly wrinkl

. It's huge! (That's

just like the o

Carly, you'll know wh

ok and shudder. No dou


k which he was the victim of." The whole class snickers, thinking about the amateur prank Jenny had pulled the other day. "Qu

mely hot guys decide t

mirk while Noah and Dylan stay quiet, Noah not sh

after school!" Ms Field

k of annoyance. "Aren't you supposed to give us

e smirks. Little does she know, she actually lo

fore moving to seat in the

be right in fron

at Megan's

look up at the angry new teacher. "No hoods on in

d again. "No."

ses her voice. By now, everyone was

starting to piss me o

I sai

t her keep it on..." Megan trails off n

ps at her. Does this bitch

nap. From the corner of my eye, I see Max and Dyl

this guy a roc

ells, walking back to h


f the day and it's


the s

suggest as Megan ushers me t

xclaims. I think you can tell who t

and let her drag

over." Megan says as we stand outside o


you s

the time in New Zealand. Espec

u sure?" Sh

eyes. "Yes

ing into the room. "Text me if yo

hand and do t

Max and Dylan already

me, making Max and Dylan look up, but No

rmal seat in the back left corner, Noah, M

you to the principal." Ms Field threatens

won't care. He knows I

we sit in silence fo

will not leave this classroom, but just in case, I am locking the door." She walks ou

Dylan change seats and sit in front of me. Or more like, Max chan

reets while Noah, Dyla

arted here two yea

"Why do you w


he furrowed his eyebrows and

, ending just at the tips of his ears, the back being a tiny

run my hands--s

I say through

take i



t time today, I

l, he's

ax" His voice is


peaks up with

ou at least tell us wha

I answer

. Mine ar

es. "No shit

smirk makes its way onto

s the most emotion

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