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Chapter 1 Happy birthday Paisley

Word Count: 906    |    Released on: 29/12/2021

ess Jennif

' where your kids would be encouraged to take their chosen profession in the medical field

you?" Doc. Phelan squ

amed in happiness, some ended up j

out and let her tell everyone the reason

ging out their kids

sley turned to her "I trust the reason why you want to be a medical doctor so

her mother as Mr Jerry Rooks he

breath as Doctor P

und the hospital as she saw nurses and doctors go up and down "Because of the White Lab coat, damn it

ite lab coat" Doctor Phelan aske

y me down from this podium I dont know what

" Mrs Emily said with a frowned


emale mom like voice said and Pa

ke up anyways?" Pais

ou're dead sweethear

d happy birthday girly bear!!" Mr Jerry said and Paisley's e

tally forget about my bi

ear old Jack said as he popped ou

have a brothe

you got?" J

hday please?" Mrs Emily said looking at h

Mr Jerry said to Paisley

ish for bestfriend Sandy to forgive her for insulting her prom dress or she could wish for her to finally find a true boyfriend

or she could just

.." She wanted to say a

d. Keep your wish to your self" Jack sa

watch 'Toilet bowl roots' all day" Paisley sa

lets head to the sitting room" Mrs

ng dragged out of the room into his death which

and meet me in the car in 35 minute

n't hurt" Paisley made to lay do

for more 20 minutes!!!!" Mr Je

red and started getti


t be mad at me

ley said as her and Sandy

angry at my bestfriend that long" Sandy sai

r wear that dress to p

Sandy started c

pursuing her, she raced to the fro

" her family and few of her

ecors. The lights, the gifts, everything

your father is this" Mr Jerr

and open the enve


tttt" Paisley

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