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My Charming Wife

Chapter 3 Wedding day

Word Count: 4170    |    Released on: 02/01/2022

sity while she decided to have brunch with Daeun near their company. Tomorrow is her wedding day and here she is

your makeup artist?" Lauren looked at her Mom who sat in her bed but smiled "Can you just surprise me?" Lauren asked causing her Mom to nod happily "Baby, I know is

uture. But, Beom suk explained to her about her daughter's situation but still... She had a conversation with her Mom privately. She came back to reality when she remembered what her

how will she really handle everything all her business was in Los Angeles "We will think about that after your wedding alright? You don't have to worr

ht to vows. She doesn't want it to know to media and also it was also her spouse safety coming to know that Jihye

nd Chahee came. Lauren told them that right after the wedding she will be leaving because Suzy just contacted her that she needs to interview some n

ng some new workers managing this and that because she knew to herself that she will be spending a lot more time in Korea since first of all, she will be handling some aud

oking at the window she was confused because there are two familiar cars in front of them and behind them "Where exactly are we going?" Lauren asked Suzy but looking

le on their phones, reading some files, running because they are late for their work or busy with their p

brows when Dowon stopped the car "Where?" T

king many times she was confused, her Mom came out from the car ge

ng out of the car as Suzy is fixing her attire "Romel? Aren't you guys supposed to be at Los Angeles?" The girl asked but she saw four more of her pr

s Angeles. But there are new workers and they are Koreans. There are a total of six bodyguards and Lauren was surrounded by them this was just like the feeling when she was opening her

ircase all of the workers are bowing for the respect they stopped when they are at the entrance. William and Romel opened the entrance and Lauren gasped

CEOs she signed with also bowing at her once they reached the very front there was a

r and Ben, Lauren smiled. It was a video wherein she is still a baby and now a full grow up girl. Ben explain

d to center that in South Korea, knowing your spouse is from that country. If you drive for 20 minutes more you will see your spouse's company. But, this is my last gift for you. The building that you've been really dreaming of. Now that it's built please make someone be a star and mentor them. I love you so mu

by my Dad," she

e fine and just enjoy her work more often. She pulled out the hug and Lauren smiled when her Mom is wiping her tears happily. Lauren's

hand for a handshake and pulled out she just talked to the CEO of the two entert

to the waitress "Yes and your soon-to-be wife's Personal Assistant when it come o her modeling

n you, Her Mom told me she could do whatever they want and be married whenever she like. It's gonna be her decision if she wants to make it public and show you to the media. But her parents told be that they need to do this because of their wishes. You can als

h when Laurene just shake her head in disbelief while smiling.

nd the important rooms that she needs in the building to her surprise it was all complete and ready to go. They ended their day wit

se and Lauren decided to just stay th

rs while drinking her wine straight and pour another one. Even though her brother was there to advise he

n me forever if I didn't, the company that I have right now here in Korea was built by my Dad he manage to steal my design because it was his gift for me. To be honest, I re

ried nothing's gonna change because your surname just changed not your life well your life will change if you both fall in love with each other, make a family that wouldn't be a problem with us, to be honest. I

t's happening in the world, whoever is crushing on her and doesn't know someone really admires her. But going ba

even though it was arranged they are congratulat

nce Megan told them who will be Jihye's spouse, Megan knew about this because her sister was Melaine the lawyer. She was the one who

Can I just find the girl of my dream and never come back in here? I just want to be wi

e you could divorce her right after the wedding and you can leave and find your Lauren" Yujin joked, o

t it instantly when Jihye threw her some daggers "Oh yeah right Imma shut up before you kill me" Jihye really doesn't want

probably be there and support you with your marriage. Whoever that person is I know someday you will love her or maybe just love your par

y love towards Laurene will not fade even though Mrs. Leslie's daughter is deadly in love with me, I will forever be in love with my crush" Jih

were already ready with everything. Dohyun and Daeun were al

wn was so expensive that it was designed by her Mom and Chaerin, and even paid for it.

ook so beautiful, honey. Look at you, you're like a princess. Our prince

o tear up, Dowon showed up and smiled at her "You look stunning" He said causing Laurene to smile and give

ants to go home and sleep but her friends told her to stand up straight and be the Jeong Jihye she is. Jihye just scoffed at them but she rea

she decided to take a look at her bride. She really don't see it clearly

opes that this is Lauren. Once the bride is just three meters away from her. Her heart started beat

and once Laurene was close to her she couldn't contain her happiness, she was so go

and, she took her hand out for Lauren to take. Lauren looked at her Mom and Dowon and they nodded and smiled

Her friends couldn't wipe the smiles on their faces they felt that Jihye is in

e found Jihye hot, she is just like she found the ideal guy for her but a girl version. She has the look, the height tha

she realized she is more beautiful in person. Should she thank them for it? Or not yet?

starting and they are

, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us apart...I love you" Jihye mu

king at the ring that there was her

or better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, too and to cherish; from

lips and Jihye almost die on the spot, it was memorable for her while Lauren just fel

ye was also welcomed by Leslie and Chahee she was also surprised that her sister-in-law is Daeun her bias and also an id,

even met Jihye 's brother named Kai, his wife Krystal and their child named Junwa. Lauren was welcomed into the family and she felt like this is a good sign. Lauren just laugh and slides it off when Jihye's family

so many angles and the next one is with Jihye's family first, Jihye even took Junwa in her arms while Lauren just smiled brightly, because she has to right?

while her bodyguard and Suzy is piling up the gifts that her friends bought for her even Jihye's members. She could hear some commotions dow

e Lauren and looked at her "What should I call you now? Mrs. Jeung or

my employees didn't especially one of my employees are coming from Jihye's parents. They might throw dagger

thing as of the moment. I just want to thank God for now since the wedding was finished and I'm married to s

ince they heard Jihye talking about Lauren last night in a drunk way that she will truly

couldn't be more thankful and she

e "I had a one night stand with one of her friends" Laurene gasped in shock as Suzy is nodding at her "but be quiet, she doesn't know that I'm the one who she had when she was so dr

ings" Lauren nodded in agreement "Anyway, I should go. I'll leave you for a m

to lay down when



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