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My Charming Wife

Chapter 5 The Start

Word Count: 4796    |    Released on: 04/01/2022

ate for the meeting since she got home just two hours ago she was restless. She already texted

e CEO is just smiling at them but her heart is fluttering when all her employ

are already standing "It's okay, Mrs. Jeung" Lauren smiled "Are we ready to present your w

dd it to her collections knowing it will fit in the Chanel section. She was intentl


studio. You had a meeting at 9 am? D

miled an


I might not be able to reply right


Gangnam at 11 anyway I have to go the traffic

lp but blush and ca


ht th

nd listen to Lucas while

er Jiji well it was Yujin's nickname for her but it felt different when her wife called her that. She's tryi

ss? Your designs are very nice but it will be better if they have lengths since some customers are findi

emailing it to your secretary Miss. Bae but the CEO of Chanel told me that thi

onths to finalize and redesign the dress and I have to train more models to u

that came from her original ones. This usually happens often, Lauren is very strict when it co

ot very a strict boss but it hits different when someone steals her work, she surely will be a madwoman who wouldn't right?

oming into the office while she looked at La

have the guts to show right in front of my face" Lauren

er since then it was really Marceline and Gabbie's work to throw and delete all the files that

ed originality. She learned it from her father, he use to get mad at the designers who stole and use the design without any consent. Lauren is really not that hard sometimes in the first attempt of stealing her designs usually she just doesn't accept

ir salary and Lauren is very understanding if one employee didn't finish their design she will usually tell it's okay and just take his/her time. Another thing people

ing and thinking how will she hire the five of them. While s

rs. Jeung?" Laurene blush

's final designs? I actually told him to re-design and change the things that I ask him to. I gav

her schedule? oh and Congratulations by the way. I didn't know that she was your lover since then" Lauren widened her eye

ll be teaching a new dance to the upcoming girl group since theywill have a comeback" Mr. Wethmeimer hum

be at your wife's photoshoot so I could finally get the chance to see you personally. The la

. Anyway, I'll just wait for your emails so I know

mmed and hang up the call and told e

o rest and sleep for the whole day. She texted Jihye that she was on her way home telling her that no

since they wanted to surprise the fans and let them know that they are doing okay because it's been a long time since she posted from her youtube. Jihye jus

e was really thinking hard if the time comes that their marriage will be public she really needs to protect Lauren realizing there are a lot of Koreans who have

to happen to her lovely wife. Even though Lauren has a ton of bodyguards and professional people she is still not satisfied with it so she decided

get aggressive sometimes and I don't want my wife to experience that kind of treatment to my wife and she already has a Saesang when she was seen in the mall with Aunt Leslie a lo

you since you know you're married to a famous girl and a...billionaire" Jihye hummed looking at Lauren's picture in the airport, her r

etting up from the swirling chair "Sadly, I can't I'm gonna be with my sister we will have lunch. I'll see you tomorro

stion that she will ask is about her wife, she can't call them Mom yet because she was very shy and wanted them to do the first move to tell her that she co

saw Leslie gardening. Leslie instantly gets ou

hyee a hug "What are you doing

It was Lauren's idea to make everything modern. You know her, she grew up with modern things" Jihye hummed and nodded "Wait in the living I will make you some tea" Jihye nodded as she sat in the living looking at Lauren's baby picture

" The mother asked while le

looking at Leslie, she couldn't help but think that Leslie is just like her wife's sister becaus

let Lauren learn about house chores since in Ben's family it is really required to do that. Mostly, Lauren will really do house chores and look after you as a wife. But, if you want to help and be the best you just show

, she was studying, learning chores, and taking care of her Dad. But, she fell more even h

allergic to something? seafood? uh, dust?" Leslie smiled she

oy the food that you will serve

about Lauren asking about more of he

s you" Jihye's eyes lit up she really wants to know this knowing she needs to treat her members to a trip that she will need to list. She ask Leslie about it "She said she likes to go to P

n," Jihye said already thinking where should she take Lauren "Well, now that you know

be publicized soon. Leslie told her that Dowon will put some CCTV around the pentho

w how will she ask her mother-in-law about this but Leslie i

n. I heard that Lauren really likes designing everything does she perhaps have her own design for her house?" Leslie grinned a

where her Grandma is. She also wants everything to be private property so you both can have privacy and a quiet place" Jihye take look at it closely, she also likes the type of house it was all glass and very modern. Sh

ce on this?" Jihye

your opinion and likes it. She also wants to know your decision so she left some space on the right side she even also

y has a fast hand'

be the one deciding at that part"

in no time she will instantly call her professional architect and engineer "C

upposed to be waiting for Lauren and

erves. I know it's very unusual of this I know this was Arranged but I'm willing to love y

g the company we really wanted Ben to be in her wedding but faith didn't because he died first and wasn't able to walk his daughter in the aisle. Lauren really didn't want to marry you in the first place because you're a girl but I explained everything to her" Jennie was taken a

ed, she needs someone who will protect her, show her how much this person is happy to have her, show her that she is really willing to stay with her forever. I really could feel that she needs it, she's longing for it. Imagine working in the office for almost three and you had no experience in love f

a because I want her to carry our child, I want to build memories with her and want to love on her. I've been dreaming of this for almost three and I'm thankful that it's happening. That's why I'm here asking you everything about my wife, your daughter. I wanted to wi

is really safe from you. You know Lauren will absolutely fall in love with you soon, you just

make her fall in love with me

ommy. Lauren calls me that

. How about

s still fresh and she's totally not moved on. You can just call him that" Jihye nodded and sigh

o you have so many plants?" Les

Garden" Dowon looked at the living room so is Dohyun "Oh. Hi Jihye" "Hi Noona," Dowon and Dohyun

on?" Dowon asked "I came to see Mommy since I ask

the drawing?" Dohyun sa

y. Jihyeknows what to do" Leslie c

n Jihye was about to speak when Daeun came "Woah, where did al

a private property that's on sale. I'm planning to do it

asked "What? where?"

can" Dohyun looked at her Mom and she no

n Dohyun's phone "Daeun aren't you suppose to be at the company?" Dowon asked coming out from

least see her. Anyway, Mommy did you cook lunch?" Daeun asked "Yes, be sure to wash the dishes right after" Daeun

tools while Jennie is looking "Uhm No, It's fine. I was wondering If I can help ga

re Dear?" L

mes" Jihye said not wanting to sound arrogant. It is indeed true that she was doing some man's work, she re

ed, she wanted to help especially

r sweatshirt leaving her with a t-shirt. She was digging some soil with Dohyun while Dowon is

serious but woah I can't believe she's gardening and building some things

" Daeun just rolled her eyes playf

father Beom Suk. Surely, Laurene is really a lucky girl to have this kind of family. Dohyun also told her that he and Daeun are really excited to meet her wife when she arrived in Korea it's because the

s curious why Jihye hasn't replied yet and not updating her,

don't think of that rene just tell her that you just woke up" Lauren sighed and was a

uren said

g, Did I wa

y three in the morning and she can't believe she slept that long "It's seven in the evening in th

some laughter "Do you have any visitors?

to help she was here around one in the afternoon and she's really enjoying her time here. They just fin

edule tomorrow?" Lauren asked "She's doin

ain...Mommy?" Leslie hummed "Please, look after Jihye okay?" Lauren doesn't know but the fact that her wife is a

I will honey. Now. Go

nd smiled as she lay down again

t," Lauren sa

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