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You Broke Us

Chapter 3 You Broke Me...Us

Word Count: 2765    |    Released on: 03/01/2022


ting for me I constantly thought. When I decided to go check out at Klaus' place the door opened and he stood there in front of me with no emotions whatsoever attached making it hard

ng present, I let him go and then he said "I was waiting for you, what took so long" "You were?" I said as I

...uhm talk to you" I said wandering if I should discuss the topic then or later after we've exchanged pleasant

rong that he spoke like that? "No I came here to talk but how can I talk to you with that attitude...is everything okay?" I asked almost shaking and yeah that was the first time he called me by my full name. "Oh everything is perfectly alright...close to perfect jus

y" "Nothing" I felt hurt how could he call me that...so I took my bag and wanted to walk out but stopped by his question "Are you pregnant?" I before turning I realized he knew I was pregnant then why

I felt my fingers' lines were left there. "How dare you?" I asked with ragging anger almost the bringing the world down then held his shirt with my hands and yelled on his face "You took my virginity then ask me who the father is?" He took hold of my hands and removed from his collar saying "Lema you were banged by the messenger you sent then came here telling me that baby is mine...I thought I knew you but you are nothing but like every g

rried tomorrow...I wish I had listened to my brother years ago...you would never have hurt me as much...please just go back to the village and never come back" I turned to leave a


her a letter despite her being gone only two days" I couldn't take another moment without her so that very same day I wrote her a letter and posted it the very same day. Then since I knew how slow it would be for her reply I j

read all the contents she wrote for m

ry is standing right there in front of you...my darling village boy...Actually I also wanted to say you should look for so


ce just to make sure am seeing c

r should I make you?" I said the latter holding his shirt completely losing all my control over my anger (she had taught me how to control it but anyone joking with her name got me overboard)...with my right hand while the left in a fist ready to

it and read it and to him too there was obvious shock written all over his face...am sure he knew my Lema was not capable of writing such nonsense. "Sir I am sorry for my brother's b

like that?" "Hey man don't let that girl get the better of you...she has shown you her true colors so I think you should do what she says...move on" I stood there in silence thinking of what to do then I shouted "NO! am going to

who sent that letter, then her real response will come in soon. So I waited for another three days and her sister Loila that

don't you think so...anyway never mind I dint want him bitten up so I sent my sister instead since I know you can't hit a girl and yeah am carrying h


ayal's sister?" I asked almost at the verge of shedding a tear with a shaky voice. How could she do this to me?

s not I the mood to. My heart was burning only because she took my love for granted. Why

d I would go back with it" I gave her a stern look that I think I saw her shudder...Not that I wanted to scare her but I dint believe her statement.

inued "...don't shout at me I can shout as well...am not as soft as my sister...you slept with her and you aren't ready for responsibilities...what sort of man are you?" "ENOUGH!" I shouted as I raised my hand almost to slap her. Thank God I controlled myself before it's too late only because I remembered a memory of us both "You wan

have wine?" He asked sarcastically. I ignored him and sat on the floor close to the coach and drunk to my satisfaction. "I've moved on...yo

see what she has done to me" "Did she send another letter?" "Yes with her sister and she is pregnant for that guy" "Oh!" Was all he could say. "I wish I listened to you Klaus, I would

"Get married as well and move on man" "I love her...am not going to do that" "Marriage isn't all about loving your partner...you c


d a knock and peeping through I saw her standing out there eagerly waiting for me to open the door. At first I thought I was just losing it...like hallucinating but that knock came in twice and she was still there. I did not want to do anything stupid but decided to listen to what she had

I noticed her being taken aback. As I stood up things began to escalate, I really could not pretend all was well yet it wasn't. She hurt me

ss you are the one who didn't know me" These words made her cry and it wounded me more...I wanted her to leave so we can all move on with our l

y palms and cried like never before...She betrayed me...She messed with my mind and my feelings and because of what has happened, I had lost the one person I loved more than any

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