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One month in Alaska

Chapter 2 Meeting her

Word Count: 1628    |    Released on: 08/01/2022

dson. You are now grown,I couldn't recognize you at first" Ma Victoria said. "Welcome uncle.." A young, girlish and angelic voice said. Matthew looked at where the statemen

not the type to hire housemaids cause' she believes she can do everything a maid would do. So seeing a girl here is a mystery to hi

ndfather, he turned around and saw the old man. He looked so much like his( Matthew) father. "How have you been son?

Alaska by now." "Oh really?" Ma Victoria clutched her heart and said sadly "I miss her so so so..." "Cut it grandma!" Matthew shouted. Ma Victoria looked


is room and found him doing - only - God - knows on his phone with earphones plugged into his ears. He didn't even notice her. Angrily, Grandma Victoria walked up to whe

Victoria gave him a knock on the head. "And who's the maid? Oh,you're calling Mila a maid? She's not a maid okay!" She said and dragged him to the kitchen, by pulling his ears. As they were about to enter the kitchen, Matt

m I suppose to do now?." "Cook!." Grandma Victoria said simply. Gosh...this


." Crazy dog asked when h

r medical practitioners said. He knew who the doc

. "What?! She..she..she took a leave without my consent? What imprudence!." He was really worked up. He became more angrier because none of

made you decide to take a leave? Huh!." Doctor Jose barked angrily on the phone. Gianna just kep

y,get here this moment!

candies. "Excuse me master,i'm busy right now..bye" Gianna said and hung the call imm

e and saw the patron hurrying into her car. After the patron zoomed away, a van full of thugs also drove past,going after the patron's car. Gianna's eyes followed them till the vehicles were out of sight. She wondered what the customer had to do with those thugs. The customer looked gentle

k, hefty thugs? She's definitely going to be killed. Leaving the store opened, Gianna left to go in search of the patron. Everywhere was dead silent. She got to a place as she w

. She moved over to the second window and peeped through. Luckily, they were there. Gianna could see the girl sitting on floor with hands and legs tied. The thugs were also there. There were slight bruises on her cheek

arn the hospital emergency codes and fortunately, the police sire was part of the sounds there. She tapped on it and a deafening alarm was heard. 'Whao! Whao! Whao!'

tied up. She untied her and helped her get up. "Hey,you pulled that stunt right? You're very smart!" Skylar said. Surprised, Gianna asked "How did you know?" Skylar left her

uilding and Skylar wanted to give Gianna a ride back yo the store. When the

store, Ma Lucy was already there. She was in front of the store, waiting for Gia. When she saw her granddaughter walking towards the store, she yelled "You brat, where

d a mop stick and made attempt to hit Gia with it. "Granny,hold in, let

ready to swing the mop stick at her new friend. She decided to put on an act "Hi gran

d hitting Skylar. The two ladies hovered around. "Grandma stop! She's innocent" Gia shouted to her grandma's hearing. Ma Lucy noticed the slight bruises on

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