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Chapter 1 Her Mirth

Word Count: 1096    |    Released on: 08/01/2022




as she threw her head back, and I watched, enchanted as her mou

ch as she brushed strands of her hair away from her face. "Come on, his jokes a

rible sense of humor and his jokes were flat-out not funny, bu

me to him. It's his face, David. Whenever I'm with him, its like there's only the two

Excitement creeps in, butterflies fly inside my belly and my heart b

ead, I said, "This is like the fifth time in five months

o sarcastic, but when would sh

wn forming on her lips. "Seriously? Are you r

ologized, rubbing a hand through my hair, tr

ll she could talk about was how much she liked this guy and how

that guy. I was always hopeful whenever her relationships ended because it meant I stood a chance, only to ha

aid, standing up and picking

he usual' I meant gloriously beaut

im jeans, she was a woman dressed to seduce. It hurt to

urns out fine." Of course I w

elt desire burn through my scalp as I stared after her

f cold beer, I returned to the living room to watch TV, needing to replace

e, hugging her, kissing her - it ma

riends and next door neighbours. I don't know when exactly my feelings for her undergone a tr

turned from California after spending half a month there.

excitement had crept into my belly too hard, my heart had pounded agains

to her when she beat me to it, announ

ef churning through me while she went on and on about how

o me?" She'd enquired, tugging on my

senses. I couldn't even say my next words in a way t

r lips. "Of course, and you know I love you too. You're l

rds, and I'd been too disheartened to clarify it to her. But it became pa

or Becky and left my room one day threatening to expose me after we'd had a fight. I'd been paralyzed with fear,

onexistent. But after some insistence, she finally answered that th

culous' Ella's question was, and I'd sworn to

f my beer, I got up and

been 5 long years and Becky still di

r going to tell her. I was content with havi

han destroying

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