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Chapter 2 He Had A Girlfriend

Word Count: 1297    |    Released on: 08/01/2022



n several rings of the doorbell woke me up. From the way the ri

peephole. Becky stood there, a sad look on her face. The sight m

u and Alex would be-" fucking each oth

ious weight of her body against mine, only to be as

ng very worried. "What happened? What did that jerk do to you?"

hest to look at me. "While we were at the bar, a woman tried to attack me, claimi

ritting my teeth so hard I

wouldn't give for her to see me in a different, much more intimate light than friend

y veins. "That guy is

pped me with her gentle but firm touch. "No, David. Don't fight him. He's not worth it." She held me by t

on me. It was all it took for my dick to harden immediately. "H

ne. I'm glad you think he's not worth it because he isn't." She did

e door, she paused and I

ut, David? Am I ever going to find the man for me?" Tears had begin to pool

r and she could find that man in me. I would never take her for granted like the

until my last breath if onl

I whisper

that moment, she saw all the emotions I had bottled up inside me,

of the emotion I saw in her eyes, but at least she wasn't pushing me away, and she gazed at my

properly, she nudged me and stepped away, Her eyes were wide with shock, as if she couldn't bring herself to wrap her head a

. I'm so... I don't know

kiss, I finally blurted out the 3 curtailed words of

ile before freezing an

her rejection coiling around me. "Not a

re you

all my heart." I don't know what came over me in that moment, bu

feel this way, but I've felt very strongly fo

. "We're friends, best friends. We're supposed to be l

selves in my heart I would've sent them packing. But love doesn't ask for consent. Believe me I tried to fight it when it started building t

his can't be happening. So John was right when he said you were in love with me. You'd called his ass

t like an

. You made it clear you only loved me as a brother so I decided to kee

avid, you'r

iencing unrequited love first hand driving me crazy. "I want to be more than a fr

ir, an act which at first would infuse me with desire now only serving to he

sfixed. How could I have been so stupid? Why the hell did I allow my emotions to get the

I needed to do damage control quickly. But I couldn't help it -the feelin

was never going to

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