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Let me be your saviour

Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1501    |    Released on: 10/01/2022

red the actual day Rebecca, Eleanor's mother, got

e inner bailey of the castle, pleading and impelling the king to burn Eleanor along with her mother. That day in the throne chamber,

alf. While he knelt before the king in appeal, the king turned around and looke

elt before Ephraim and held E

e, what do I do? How can I agree to the people that my

Your Majesty. T

you have to do, Ephrai

we will make sure to take Eleanor out of the

from her mother's bedchamber, where she lay crit

en Esther threatened to expose them and even kill Eleanor herself

in the bedchamber and threatened Queen Esther,

ed the royal concubine to death. I have every proof against you, including the parlou

her's words. Therefore, Esther became afraid that truly she would b

nor be burnt alive because he knew that El

e bedchamber, they realized that she had gone missing. Rumors s

warrior who pledged h

ught upon him by the people who forced him to reveal where Eleanor hid. Despite the pain, Joshua

er Eleanor in the Kingdom of Jevins where they escaped to. Many yea

aimed that Eleanor was their child they had all al

urned she now had her real hair color, which was platinum blonde.


ung woman' beauty was extremely captivating, she was attractive and desirable. One could barely ge

ness of the evening. Her eyes as blue as sapphire, she had a heart-shaped pink lips. Her plat

tion. Fighting rehearsal was all s

cause they fought as though they were in a battlefield. However, they

fought more like a skilled warrior. She fought with co

ined to be a warrior ever since she was five years old. Rebecca

a died, Ander began training with Eleanor to keep her talents

rrendered him with her sword pointing

le.” Ander

more perfect, she smiled at Ander's commendation. Although Elean

e way Eleanor tried to catch her breath. The person who just won the

. A combatant will not lose his entire breath in a fight. It is something yo

s escape to Abelak, and fulfill our dreams. You want to be a great

a little child, and he loves her quite a lot. If there was anything he'd put above himself, then it will be the woman standing in front of him. His affection towards

with his father, his heart broke in two. His prid

air. All his life he had loved Eleanor, and the next day would have her going to a fore

ed. Unable to contain the pangs in his heart, he h

ver he finds himself. A true warrior can never be afraid to take the first step.” He said to her while holding her in his embrace. Then he looked at her face. “ You are a true warrior, Eleanor.” He took out a necklace pendant from his pocket, and wore it arou

ffling to me as well.” She said in a little disorientation. S

s well.” She said, in a little disorientation. She looked at the pendant sh

it safe, and I hope it reminds you of me. Keep me in yo

. He pulled her into his embrace once a

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