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Let me be your saviour

Chapter 4 FOUR

Word Count: 3003    |    Released on: 10/01/2022

sely. Eleanor had been beautifully adorned, she sat alone in the dressing chambe

both had same hair color, same skin color, and

was a rule that a bride's face be veiled unti

were allowed to see her face before the ceremony begins. It was also necessary that the veil

d the consort pick. She wore a beam as she approached Eleanor, thinking it

the rules. Forgive me.” She apologized. “ May I know the reason for your sudden change of mind? At least the law of the veil does not apply to your voice.” She requested. Eleanor made no attempt to give her an answer,


n milk and honey. Messea was a blessed kingdom, and they were full of grace. Messea was a paradise. Messea was a kingdom everyone desired to be in because it was a

competition, a simple-minded person who is new to Messea might even mistake an ordinary high-class citizen for a noble. Messea was quite a splendid kingdom submerged by tranq

ns in their pockets. Never did Messea lack a thing. Many kingdoms even depended on Messea for financial support. Larger trade

ny had gathered in the Hall. Many nobles of Messea and other kingdoms,

royal ceremonial ornaments. He looked so very much attractive. Even if he wasn't h

isely. He had a pure black hair which glittered because of the oil applied on his slicked back hairstyle which ended on his

s to take a good scrutiny of him. Many women in the Great Hall a

, then shall I like him.” Ellieze said to hersel

he Great Hall with King Peruda and his few retinues. They

after the crown prince rejected them, and two got baffled because they had put in so much effort to look attractive to cap

y despicable.” a woman

or marriage, and he would not pick any bride at the end of the day. The brides that had not yet b

on, she started feeling quite uneasy. She wanted her son to choo

lla of Abelak.” The Master

cept her out of patronage. Everyone also thought that the prince was going to acce

not to marry.” Queen Abigail's personal servant said to her. Queen Abigail became disheartened beca

last... Princess M

ic intensely, althou

“ Disgusting.” A Lady scorned. “How did the name of that kingdom taste in the mouth of the introducer?” A young woman asked her friend. “ If I were him, I would r

which existed between Abothorn and Messea, Queen Abigail wouldn't mind the

orn were antagonized by Messea. Messea severed all ties with Abothorn. Messea built a boundary wall whic

ly then can the nobles of Abothorn enter into Messea. Also, political issues between all kings prompts the entrance of Abothorn superiors int

re, and undesirable, the way she walked with grace made her mockers to later start adoring her. Although Eleanor's

to the dais, an

prince. Then she took a bow. She promised Matild

of him. As he was lifting her veil, Eleanor's heart throbbed chaotically. Sh

ed her veil and r

eautiful and captivating. Her beauty was one thing he desired in a woman, her charm mesmerized him inte

of man who stick to his words. Uriah, and his words were like human and oxygen. Without oxygen

was the one for him, they thought he must have chosen his bride. People thought that the last bride should just give up already

or's veil. Everybody fell from grace, the

urst into tears as she had lost the opportunity. Eleanor got buried deep in sadness. All hope was lost. She failed to

first stood, she wept. Even though Peruda des

ed heart, and nothing on Earth would have made her capture his heart. However, the crow

crown prince. They thought he wo

pick a bride. Never! It is not like he c

heartbroken by his action, he made up his

Jevins.” The master of ceremoni

eautiful than her, especially the one who came before her. Yet, the crown prince rejected her. Who then w

es in dread. Uriah stared at her, unwilling to life her veil. He want

hair, nah! Green eyes, nay! If he knew what was coming, he would have just chosen the Abothorn who has

s on the queen's face, he wouldn't have considered her by picking this woman

prince to pick the last bride. They believed that the ceremony

together. She felt dejected, and a

e was lost, the crown prince t

l got engulfed by joy and ecstasy. Queen Abigail shed t

They believed that for the crown prince to choo

everyone see her face. Seeing her face, silence covered some part of the Hall. Could it be that they

if you ask me.” A woman said


iful.” A young

nattractiveness under the veneers.” An

” The crown prince proclaimed. Everyone in the Great


e road back to their kingdom. They felt miserable and unfortunate. Since the princess failed to capture the Prince's heart, then

t and his people would mock him because they deserve to. His daught

me fate as Matilda, but Eleanor wouldn't want to believe so. She made Matilda a promise, only that

with her identity, maybe she would succeed in dra

to return to Messea. She knew her action would hurt the people who have faith in her, b

uards are excessively vigilant about. However, escaping from King Per

r. Just like many years ago, he took his actions like a king and not like a father. Eleanor certainly had no

iving King Peruda any time to wonder what she was doing, she j

arriage stopped their horses. Peruda came off the carriage, fearfully watchin

she could see clearly. The distance from the place they had ridden to was very far from Messea. The distance if trekking back

d that only her decides what happens in her life, and because she has decided to return back to Messea to fulfill her promise, so it must be for her. As sh

llow them. They blocked her in every side with their horses, leaving her with only one direction of escape

she feared that jumping into the water might change her fate entirely, especially if the water eventually carries her

water. Eleanor's action gave the soldiers a shock of their lives. They approached clo

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