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Let me be your saviour

Let me be your saviour


Chapter 1 One

Word Count: 1948    |    Released on: 10/01/2022

verybody, both priests, royal courts, and nobles, in the throne room seemed very excited. They wor

d. You have become t

ds, the door banged open and thirty ca

m, rather, they dressed as though they were assassins. Their attires see

s managed to enter the throne room, who they might be, and who sent them. How co

. Because it was unexpected and nobody was prepared for

room, they were scared to death and hopeless. They shivered in terror, gazing fearfully at the Invade

d throw the spear on him, the Invader threw

to move his body nor speak, he was overwhelmed by an excruciating

able pain. " Be strong, son. Stay strong." the king pleaded with his son. It di

the king growled and started running

ied to stand on his feet to fight, but the Invaders released more arrows on him, which made him fall back on

epared to throw another spear on the king. He targeted the king from where he stoo

deadly pain, it was ever so unbeara

no time. Everyone in the throne room had died, except the kin

r." the king's s

point of death because of the pain induced by the spear. He c

g tried stretching out his hand to reach for his son's hand, but it seemed almost impossi

king spoke faintly, as thou

raised above his head. Vehemently, the invader beheaded the king.

king's son from the floor. Clutching on the little boy's face from

of the little boy, saying, "No


ly impoverished due to the embezzlement of funds and properties

re the king's royal courts and subjects. Beggars, hungry peasants, robin hoods, promiscuous men and women, assassins, defamatory citizens who tak

Matilda. The only way to put an end to these misfortunes and to save the ki

ilda was a young woman whose dignity attaches to everything she does. Des

hat she would partake in a conso

ilda believed that she definitely would be rejected by Prince Uriah, even though he accepts he

ire the reason might be. Only the king gives permission to his consort and daughter to leave the fortress. T

age her identity. Yet, individuals who saw her in the city recognized her.


onizing tears. Despite being the only child of her parents and the successor to Abothorn's thr

accepted by the crown prince, nothing would chang

se you attend the function, instead I advise you let your family know abo

or because he overheard Matilda's voice. Ander knew they were having a private conv

ot attend the ceremony like this. Please, make Eleano

nor's life would be at st

be successful." Matilda assured. " You have done eno

laces you in the function? Have you made up your min

mind to go through the consequences w

who still stood behind the door. He frowned upon the very

ng her risk her life for those people who do not want to see her alive. Such a thing

Ander whenever he set his eyes on the king and his relatives. Looking

n Esther conniving with a servant who was carrying breakfast to the dining room, and they deliberately put a poisonous


r leave, Ander walked into his father's p

mbered telling what he saw to his father on that day, all Ephraim did was to let it

ok on Ander's face. Ephraim knew that Ander might have heard


uld not have agreed to Matilda's decision." Ander

gs. Our kingdom is at stake, and it is your responsibility as a citizen to give in whatever y

leanor's good. Do not pretend like you cannot remember what happened many yea

e an obstacle in this. I beg you as a father... Stay away f

past? You are helping those people w

ke... is for Abothorn. My people." Ephraim interrupted. " Do not take your father for a

sk for her help? Eleanor would want to return

shall it b

e of his father's words. His father wasn't helping matters at all. " But

stop bothering him about the consort pick

remained quiet in shock, mulling over Ephraim's words.

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