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The Jewel of Seven Stars

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 3718    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

e Inst

door a little way; and then with a gesture of manifest relief threw it wide, and a young man stepped in. A young man clean-shaven, tall and slight; with an eagle fac

t I got your message. I am glad

newcomer's entry. Sergeant Daw asked a few questions-a very few-when it was necessary for his understanding of circumstances or the relative positions of persons; but as a rule Dolan, who knew his work thoroughly, forestalled

had finished, the Sergea

me, sir. I was with yo

said as I held out my hand.

Daw, that you are put in

nterrupted. The other shook h

d his brains. I have other work to do; but I shall be more than intere

his responsibility with a sort of modified s

a full report which he could use, and which he could refer to headquarters if necessary. Docto

I think we can work together!"

h interests him, or in which he may be concerned." I was about to interrupt to tell him what she had already said of her i

. Superintendent Dolan and Mr.

fficer genially. "I'll begin by making a minute examination. Yo

ich woke me. I came out of my room at once. Father's door was shut, and I could see the whole landing and th

ne who knows anything will tell me as well as

the bed, looked at it

bed been

," she added as she rang the bell. Mrs. Grant answered it in person. "Come in," said M

y me,

y at the other side of the room whilst with a magnifying-glass he examined the bed, taking care as he moved each fold of the bed-clothes to replace it in exact position. Then he examined with his magnifying-glass the floor beside it, taking especial pains where the blood had trickled over the side of the bed, which was of heavy red wood handsomely carved. Inch by inch, down on his knees, carefully avoiding any touch with

dows, which were fasten

s Trelawny in a casual way as though he

nation all over the head and throat, and over the heart. More than once he put his nose to the mouth of the senseless man

deep strong voic

served a year in Chubb's before I joined the police. It is a combination lock of seven letters; but there seems to be a way of locking even the combination. It is o

re with your full report? If there is any doubt I can wait, but the sooner

n drugged-at least by means of any drug of whose qualities I am aware. Of course, there is ordinarily in this room so much of a mummy smell that it is difficult to be certain about anything having a delicate aroma. I dare say that you have noticed the peculiar Egyptians scents, bitumen, nard, aromatic gums and spices, and so forth. It is quite possible that somewhere in this room, amongst the curios and hidden by stronger scents, is some su

ind the instrument with which the wrist was inj

e patient has used some strange drug, it may be one that does not take effect at once. As we are as yet igno

wny joined in t

erned; but according to the second part of your surmise the wound may

ive and the Doctor simu

her variant of the same root-idea may be correct. I take it, therefore, that our first search, to be

e he became quite unconscious," said I, givi

rdly be," he added cautiously, with a brief bow to me. "You see, the left h

said, and there

eak the silence

e of you will remain constantly with the patient. It may be necessary to remove him to another room later on; but in the meantime he is best left here. Mis

octor gave her some directions as to what she should do in

tendent Dolan, who came clos

tation-unless, of course, you sho

ohnny Wright still

d him on to you as soon as can be arranged. He shall then stay with you as long as

nied him to the door

nd Yard and report to my chief. Then I shall call at Chatwood's; and I shall return here as soon as possible. I suppose I may take it, miss, that I

" He looked keenly at her for a f

desk? There might be something which would give us a clue-or a lead a

ay help us in this dreadful trouble-to discover what it is that

of the writing-table in the room. In one of the drawers he found a letter s

yes on her face, unflinchingly watching every flitting expression, I kept my eyes henceforth fixed on his. When Miss Trelawny had read her letter through, I had in my mind a convi

ow them. When she had finished the second reading, she paused again. Then, though with some reluctance, she handed the letter to the Detective. He read it eagerly but with unchanging face; read it a second time, and

letter to the Detective-she might not have shown any to anyone else. But to me... I feared to follow the tho

r to be left alone-not for a single instant. From nightfall to sunrise at least two persons must remain in the room. It will be well that a trained nurse be in the room from time to time, and will note any symptoms, either permanent or changing, which may strike her. My solicitors, Marvin & Jewkes, of 27B Lincoln's Inn, have full instructions in case of my death; and Mr. Marvin has himself undertaken to see personally my wishes carried out. I should advise you, my dear Daughter, seeing that you have no relative to apply to, to get some friend whom you can trust to either remain within the house where instant communication can be made

y way, or for any cause whatever. I have a special reason and a special purp

ing, Mr. Marvin will carry out your wishes


whirl with lightning rapidity, and in a few seconds a whole process of reasoning became formulated. I must not volunteer to be the friend that the father advised his daughter to have to aid her in her vigil; and yet that one glance had a lesson which I must not ignore. Also, did not she, when she wanted help

you will permit me to aid in the watching I shall be proud. Though the o

her face and neck. Even her eyes seemed suffused, and in stern contrast with

for your help!" Then in

many duties to engage you; and though I shall value your help

so that I can come here in the afternoon and stay till morning. After that, if the occasion

ears gather in her eyes, and she turn

That letter seems to put a different complexion on everything; though the mystery remains greater than ever. If you can wait here an hour or two

a moment; after that I would not have exchanged places with a king. For a while she busied herself round the extempor

e the entire frame and furniture of a light iron bed. This they proceeded to put together

to have Father put to bed; and a proper bed will be better for him than the

circumstances were less strange. The whole place, excepting those articles of furniture necessary to a well-furnished bedroom, was filled with magnificent curios, ch

. There was a ring at the hall door, and a few minutes later, after a preliminary tap at the door and an

came in. "I found her at once and free.

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