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Heiress Clara A Queen In The Making

Chapter 2 Business

Word Count: 1119    |    Released on: 12/01/2022

business to discuss." King Lyo

inish my training and I

is is extremely important a

e promptly." Clara links back r

her entire pack as they train against her it's even boring to train because they are not a challenge to her. Clara craves more of a cha

r I am

Clara hav

Shouldn't she be here

is Clara, so do not

er why do you ke

ks. This is important for you to know The Who's and what it's, ins and outs. I have

hat you are in which includes our entire kingdom and all werewolves. He will stop at nothing to get here and I am afraid that means pretendin

ave to endure, thanks da

born. My only offspring okay? I have loved you so much and I thought I did r

g a great fighter or warrior and you have everyone holding back fighting me.

ting or killing you Clara. We are I have a

ecause of you. That is going to change starting tomorrow no ifs, ands or buts about it. They have to know I am thei

really do. You can lead fro

will leave and find my own pack to run or you will let me trai

ng the king and his daughter having a heated discussion. The men waited till there was a slig

t your guests have arrived and are outside t

opefully we weren't too

and everyone passing by could hear them since the door was wide open. Only then did

outburst you witnessed

the Beta of Stone Pack and th

with moments ago and darn near shit her pants. They bo

the spar today." Alpha Xavior quirked his brow w

" Clara's face blush

give some input about the discussion b

est. I will listen to w

makes her look weak and the rest of your kingdom looks weak as well. If she cannot fight or at least be taught at f

hter and kingdom. But he is at his Witts end try

dia was howling Mate in her head and she blocked her out. Lydia made

a good fighter and needs to be taug

h me and beta in seconds flat. She is cond

or a while now but you do not ever

wishes don't hold back and I will come and look in on your training.

l training, thanks dad

this Felix guy what

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