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Heiress Clara A Queen In The Making

Heiress Clara A Queen In The Making

Debbie Proffer


Clara is the only child in the castle being raised by her father King Matthew. She has personal body guards who adore her and do not let her out of sight. Her mother was pushed out of the castle after she had Clara by her husband but the mate bond was never broken. She is a witch and seeks asylum with a group of misfits where she raises her other children. Clara's mother and father would meet at a secret place to continue seeing each other which lead to two other children younger than Clara herself. Clara barely remembers her older brother but does not even know about her two younger siblings. She had wondered into the woods and met with a wonderful woman which she intern asked her to come and see her. She told Clara that she would have to sneak out oft he castle disguising herself by wearing all black from head to toe. She would have to wear a cloak and mask her scent as she did to want others in her pack to know where she was going, In her mothers group, a bunch of misfits so to speak, were witches, warlocks, were bears, wolves, you name it they were living there hidden away in the forest undetected. Clara started her training around the age ten with her older brother and other men and women that were also disguised along with their scents masked. Clara trained to become a warrior unlike no other but so did the other people that she was training with. It wasn't until years later that it came to be that Clara was not being groomed well enough to take over her rights as the queen because her father was seeing someone else, not her mother. The other she-wolf wanted her son to take over as king but Clara has to fight for her rights in the palace and the thrown. Follow along on her life's journey and see where she goes as her future depends on her to uncover the nasty dealings that is in front of her. Truths, lies, and a fight to death with someone she loves but does not truly care for once she finds out the truth. She makes it her life mission to force a take over.

Chapter 1 Training

"Ugh training is so boring, there is not enough challenge for me I need more of a challenge." I think out loud. I get up and get dressed finding my way to the kitchen to grab a light breakfast before heading out. I need energy to wake me up, I am probably the only one who does not drink coffee, but drink water or a protein shake in the mornings. This gets me charged for training so I can go whip peoples butts. I know my father wants everyone to take it easy on me but I am not fragile like mom is or was. I do not even know where she is any more and father won't tell me so I do not go and visit her. Sometimes I hate him and I hate being the next in line for this royalty business. If I could only get him to see me as his daughter and make him train me to take over as the queen that would be something. Well here goes nothing, off to the training fields I go, but I think I will run for a bit first.

"Who is first to spar with the princess?" Kingslie ask the group.

"I will, I will spar with the princess." he yells out.

Everyone makes way for the unknown man who comes forth and gets ready to spar with her. No one knows who this guy is but he is built like a warrior or an alpha. Looks like a God dressed in grey shorts, red t-shirt which he discards so he would have more room to move. He has an eight-pack going on, and muscles to boot that won't stop. His hair looks like coal it's so black with his Blue Pacific eyes. He was a dream come true. He had all the girls head turning and drooling over him but he did not care nor did he notice. His eyes were set on the princess only and he could not wait to spar with her. He needed to touch her any possible way he could.

"Fine let us get this done and over with." A not so enthused Clara tells the crowd in a boring tone.

"Well, now princess let's not act to enthused about this." He says with a cheeky grin.

"Please don't go easy on me, I hate when these people go easy, it is very boring and I lose interest very fast. Hence why I can take them out fairly quickly."

"Oh do not worry little one I will never go easy on you, after all you are training to fight in a war and nobody ever takes it easy on the battlefield." New guy says with a smirk.

No introductions were made, of course without the name of the new fighter, they got into their stances and started to sparing with each other. He did take it a bit easy on her as he was told to but he wanted to see what her strengths and weaknesses were and gave it his all to test her.

"Come on is this all you got? You haven't pinned me yet why? Or are you too chicken?"

"Don't need to princess, I am watching your moves to see if there is any room for improvement."

"Well, I am the best of the best right now but could be much better if these buffoons would actually stop being pansies and do their fucking job and actually spar with me."

"What? Buffoons? Really is that what this pack is to you?"

"When we are here sparring, yes they are. They do not give me enough of a challenge that I need 'so stop being a big bad buffoon and give me your all!" she is yelling at her sparring partner.

I am thinking to myself, 'Damn this girl is stubborn but I have to give it to her she could get under your skin if needed' I just smirk at her remark. I will wait for a while before giving her what she wants as I really do not want to touch her just yet. My wolf has been driving me nuts being in this pack and needing to be let loose for a run. I tell him in due time he will get to be set free and run but we are here to observe their warriors and how they train. 'And our mate, cannot forget our mate,' he tells me.

'Good lord what is it with this idiot and who the hell does he think he is coming here wanting to spar with me? He is not touching me at all is this just a game to him or something?' Clara talks to her Lycan.

'Girl please do fret about it just pin the bastard and be done I am so tired of these buffoons not playing ruff with us. Let's play ruff with him, go at him hard and fast but watch it he's very weak with his right arm and left leg attack those and get him good.' Lydia her Lycan tells her.

Clara observes what Lydia tells her and starts attacking these areas and takes the man down in a matter of seconds. He was not happy when he went down pinned by a princess in no time and he tapped out. She got up and walked over to get some water after her first spar and he followed her.

"I did not see much of a weakness except some hesitation in your punches and kicks those could be a little stronger and tighter. Other than that you are pretty awesome and should be a warrior kiddo."

"Kiddo? I will have you know I am 28 years old and very strong willed and independent and not to mention stubborn." Clara tells him sarcastically pointing her finger into his hard delectable chest.

"I can see that in you princess so much so that your finger kind of hurts when poking me and I do not appreciate that you poke me like that. It is rude and inconsiderate of your title."

"I do not care what you think buster, I know what I want and how to get it and will not stop until I do! Why are you calling me princess? I hate that nick name everyone here calls me that." She huffs and turns away grabbing a towel to dry the sweat off her brow.

He just walks off and starts to spar with some of the other pack members and of the royal court guards. Clara just watches him in disgust as Lydia is gaging in her head. They both laugh at her silly antics and are caught off guard when another wolf comes up and tries to punch her in the head and she turns and blocks him and lays him out flat. With a smirk she looks at another God like man with dark brown hair and eyes the color as Jade with a hint of silver.

Lydia sat up panting and running around howling getting all excited. Clara even got a little excited and felt tingles in her fists when she made contact with his face. 'Shit who is this Lydia, is he alpha? Why are you so happy?'.

"Clara I think, maybe, he is our mate, I cannot get a whiff of his wolf though. Something seems to be off here."

"Well, there are sparks and you are doing some kind of happy dance tell me, we cannot mess up and mate with the wrong person."

"I know, I know...just give it time and we will see. I could connect with the buffoons wolf but not this one."

"OH? What did his wolf have to say?"

"Not a damn thing except he wanted to go run and that he could not stand being here right now, oh and you are very aggravating."

"Well, let us just keep aggravating him more and more. I want him to get riled up so that he will keep sparing with me. I want to see what he has against me."

"Oh we can do that, I am all over that my princess, I am all over that." Lydia says devilishly.

"Girl you are acting like such a horn dog stop."

"But I cannot stop HAVE YOU SEEN how hot he is?"

Clara just rolls her eyes and walks off.

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Other books by Debbie Proffer

Dahman And His Luna

Dahman And His Luna



Evander, Rebekka and Sam have since landed in Scotland, drove to the pack with Sam full of questions and wide awake like a night owl however Rebekka kept sleeping on and off. "Sam there are things that you and your mom will have to know. It is up to me to tell you and show you but you can ask any of my brothers questions and they will be more than happy to answer or help you out, ok?"

"Ok, but what are you talking about?"

"We are not one hundred percent humans, we live with something else inside of us and so does your cousin, Dee." "What is it that lives with you, a bug? Is it contagious? Will we die or get sick from this?"

Evander is laughing but trying hard not to but he just cannot stop but contains himself and continues his talk with Sam. "No, Sam it is not like that at all. It is harder to explain and easier to show you but I or my brothers will not do that till later on but only when your mother is up for it." "I'm cool with it, so what is this thing that lives inside all of you?"
 "We are different, I have a dragon, and my brothers are either Lycans or dragons except for Dee and Conall they have both."

"Real dragons? What is a Lycan?" "Yes, very real and Lycans are very big fury wolves which we are all killing machines. But we love our pack or family if you will, and we protect each other with our lives. We have very strong warriors who fight along side us in wars agains unwanted predators like rogues, or hunters or kidnappers and such." "So...when Uncle Gene came to the house the other day he grabbed Carson and took off with him, is he a wolf too?"

"Yes, and so is his family and the doctors and nurses that saw to your injuries and your moms injuries. Your mom has my blood in her so that she could heal faster, and if you tear off this bandage here, she won't have a scar any longer." Evander explains everything to both of them even though Rebekka is in and out she is listening to the conversation and smiles at her son for asking all kinds of questions she is not able to.

A Shattered Angel

A Shattered Angel



"Carson, Sam dinner is ready go wash up and have a seat at the table." Rebekka yells out the door. "Coming mom! Whatever is for dinner it smells good." "Thank you baby, now go wash up. Where's your dad?" "He did not say anything about coming but I know he heard you. I even told him to come on let's go eat and he threw a wrench at me as I was leaving," "Here sit and start eating, I will go get your father." Rebekka goes out to the garage and is met with a hammer thrown at her, this time she ducked so she would not get hit. She is so tired of being battered every time she sees him. "Carson why are you doing this? It is dinner time for once just come in and eat like a family does. It really won't kill you to do this you know." "Shut the hell up bitch! I will never eat dinner with you and Sam and you know it so quit trying. You are such a waste of time, piece of shit, both of you are." She just turns and walks back inside and sits down to the table where she and Sam start praying for their meal and thanking God for their food and blessing them for what they have. Sam is seventeen years old with reddish brown hair and Hazel round eyes and a senior in high school and cannot wait to leave the house to get away from his father but is very reluctant to leave Rebekka behind. He knows all too well that he will never see his mother again if he leaves her in this house with his abusive father, she will end up in the hospital again but this time when she goes she will go straight to the morgue. Carson Niles is a fifty year old man with dark brown hair and almond shaped brown eyes, who was abused by father growing up everyday, every second he was awake and sometimes when he was asleep. His mother was the same way and he swore he would never turn out like his mom or dad but he actually did. He did not know how to control his anger and took it out on his family and refused to get help, he doesn't think he has a problem, it's everyone else who has the problem. Rebecca is a sweet hard working fifty year old woman who light red hair with blonde highlights and green round eyes. She comes from a hard working family that loves hard and plays hard. But when she met Carson her world stopped and she married into an abusive family without even knowing the background. Her family, specially Dee Lyons-Mackley, has tried to get her to leave him and take Sam with her since he was at the age of three. She has stayed all these years and Dee knows that she is a shattered angel and cannot take much more abuse. What will she do to get away from her abusive husband? How will she do it? Read and find out.

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Heiress Clara A Queen In The Making

Chapter 1 Training



Chapter 2 Business



Chapter 3 Felix



Chapter 4 Sneaking Out



Chapter 5 Training With The Alpha



Chapter 6 Alex and Rayland



Chapter 7 Intel



Chapter 8 Rayland



Chapter 9 Going To The Past



Chapter 10 The Past Brings The Future



Chapter 11 Where Do I Stand



Chapter 12 Rogue



Chapter 13 Kept Secrets



Chapter 14 King Matthew



Chapter 15 Meira



Chapter 16 Children



Chapter 17 Present Day



Chapter 18 Rogue Kelly



Chapter 19 Camp



Chapter 20 Surprise Visitors



Chapter 21 What Is That Stench



Chapter 22 A Father's Redemption



Chapter 23 Mysterious Drug



Chapter 24 Will He Return



Chapter 25 Interrogations



Chapter 26 Hidden Gem



Chapter 27 Unsuspecting Attack



Chapter 28 Regrouping



Chapter 29 Home Sweet Home



Chapter 30 No Rest For the Weary



Chapter 31 Such A Worry Wart



Chapter 32 Felix



Chapter 33 The Escape



Chapter 34 Felix and Shelby



Chapter 35 More Questions



Chapter 36 The Grimtail Growler



Chapter 37 Felix and Louka's Meeting



Chapter 38 Max and Kelley



Chapter 39 Day One of Trials



Chapter 40 Day Two of Trails
