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The Lances of Lynwood

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 3098    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

The sunbeams fell on the hair and face of Eustace as he leant over Gaston, who lay stretched on the couch, and faintly spoke: "I tell you it is more. Such fever as this wou

prang up, rushed out of the tent, and never rested till he thought h

on him?" exclaimed he

to my mind it is caused by yesterday's fatigue a

hton; "I am sure it is. Come away, E

eave him,"

o peril yourself by goin

; "and even if there were, I could not leave him in sickness, a

e should endanger our lives for a stranger. I will not, for my own

answered, as he thought they were meant, in a friendly tone, "Thanks, Leonard, but I cannot look on Gas

d; "my father sent me here to gain honour and wealth, n

t you shall no longer sleep in our tent. But let me ask of yo

id Leonard, sullenly; "it

member that my brother's

your call. I have my own friends, and am not going to stay in this infected part of the camp with men who

your safety; but remember that I am answera

ace Sir Reginald by letting me follow him, but by his death I am my own man, and not to move at your beck and call, because the Prince laid

ust inquire from some elder Knight, but I fear that your breaking

illness determined him to depart without loss of time, or listening to the representations which he could not answer. He turned his back on Eustace, and busied himself with the fastenings of his sword, which had by this time been brought t

ng of affection for him, stood looking after him with a sigh, and then returned to his patient, whom he found in an uneasy sleep. After a f

ed had received the day before, kindly and cordially greeted Eustace on his approach. "I am glad

w advice on me," said Eustace; and he proceeded to e

dance," said Sir Richard; "

attempt to hinder my old co

d the old Knight; "he would do far more harm in your t

llow," said Eustace,

already feared, might prove a stumbling-block to you, so young in command as you are. Let him get sick of his

ve to give the bes

nder form and slightly moulded limbs, his cheeks pale with watching and the oppressive heat of the night, and t

t of other men,

ill, only take as good care of yourself as consists with duty. I ha

d his untoward encounter with Sir John Chandos,

s uncourtliness too much to heart, young Eustace. He mea

nt made most persons willing to avoid him, and he met little interruption in his cares. Of Leonard, all that he heard was from a man-at-arms, who made his appearance in his tent to demand

was of most pernicious effect to the whole of the English army, and in especial to the Black Prince, who there laid the foundation of the disorder which destroyed his health. Week after week passed on, each adding heat to the summer, and increasing the long roll of sick and dying in the camp, while Gaston still lay, languid

himself, and to feel his place as their commander more than he would have done had Gaston been able to assist h

, when Eustace had helped him to the front of the tent, where he might

n as the Prince can be moved. He is weary of waiting

l his debts by the death of all his creditors. I would give my share of the pa

ston?" asked Eustace. "Near t

what it is now. A shattered, fire-scathed keep; the wolf's den in e

stace. "What brough

a liegeman of England, because England was farthest off, and least likely to give him any trouble, and made war with all his neighbours in his own fashion. Rare was the prey that the old Black Wolf of the Pyrenees was wont to bring up to his lair, and right merry were the feastings there. Well

ou were

d'Albricorte was the terror of all around, and little was the chance that aught would pursue him to his d

her?" ask

our grim Castle must have been a sad exchange from her green valleys-and the more, that they say she was soon to have wedded the Lord of Montagudo, the victor of that tourney. The Montagudos had us in bitter feud ever after, and my father always looked like a thunderstorm if their name was spoken. They say she used

le," said

h I went on my first foray with the rest of them. But as we rode joyously home with our prey before us, a band of full a hundred and fifty men-at-arms set on us in the forest. Our brave thirty-down they went on all side. I remember the tumult, the heavy mace uplifted, and my father's shield thrust over me. I can

our mothe

was. And a fair scene to waken to! A score of dark shapes hung on the trees-our trusty men-at-arms-and my own head was resting on my dead father's breast. Us they had spared from hanging-our gentle blood did us that service;


hen they had heard my tale, they turned aside to give Christian burial to my father and brothers. They were holy men, those monks, and, for their sakes, I have spared the cowl ever since. They tended me nearly as well as you have done, and brought me to their Convent, where they would fain have made a monk of me, but the wolf was too strong in me, and, ere a month was passed, I had been so refractory a pupil, that they were right glad to open the Convent gates. I walked forth to seek my fortune, without a denier, with nothing b

ver seen your ow

me, I took my horse and rode to Albricorte, but there was nought but the bare mountain, and the walls black with fire. There was, indeed, a wretched shepherd and his wife, who trembled and looked dismayed when they found that one of the Albricortes still lived; but I could get no

as we dream not of in our peaceful land. Homeless, fri

"I have nothing to lose, and no sorrows to waste time on. But are you not going for

Ingram; but all he could learn was, that Edward had sent a re

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