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Her rogue bodyguard

Chapter 3 Surprise

Word Count: 1354    |    Released on: 14/01/2022

ve to be so crowded? As if her large suitcase wasn't enough of a burden, she'd

of her head. But now it was a loose mass of very

d! Even she hadn't intende

hated that the reason for her being the

y of boring proffessions. But it's what her dad wanted. He'd

only seen her father a few times since he'd accompanied her to the airport that chilly morning five years ago. He was, after all

him, otherwise she would have s

ed her grip on her suitcase and bit her bottom lip. She was in a

" asked a guy from beside her

nt me to pick you up, " said t

have just sent someone else to pick

nd to but he asked me to take you

t his daughter who he hadn't been in close

tside. Crystal followed quietly behind him. They got to the car that had been parked outside

she recalled how life close to her dad was. There was always someone

in the trunk and got

ay you were taking me? " she

know, that company yo

nt her there? They could have just met a

d fastened her seatbelt. Not that she saw the need to. Aiden

mpt to break the silence. Plus she was a rather talkative person or a

r, maybe less. " the blon

r quite a while, isn

call me Crystal. Ma'am ma

So do you spell that w

who in their right sense

were talking. He was a nice guy. Very friendly and funny too. Exactly the type of company she liked to be around. They talked about a lot of t

ll that time? " Crystal thought about it, then she re


ing to work in a Firm like that. I google i

g about? " she cut in because she tru

g the other day and he wants you to work t

lawyer in the first place. She only said yes in order to not disappoint him. Plus at the time her mom had just died

a surprise, " Aiden said. O

e she nodded. Though she was still very much confused . But what choice did she have. She'd learnt from a very young age not to a

dress that gave new meaning to the word short. Not to mention the ridiculously high


and who she was about to meet for the purpose of a job she hadn't eve

ld stop at a Gas Station or something so she could use the washroom and he told he

there, " She really did

n stop? Please? " He seemed to sense the de

around the corner. The owner

was another reason why she loathed being a lawyer in the first place. They're wardrobe was a girls nightmare. Especially a girl

asking him to open up the trunk. She went and took her suitcase out and as she ran inside th

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