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His Firecracker

Chapter 2 Date Night

Word Count: 1089    |    Released on: 15/01/2022

She got dressed in her outfit. It was an emerald green pant suit with a light yellow cami to go under her jacket. She did not have

wanted his fire cracker to

he looks amazing too. Come down stairs when you get your

friend by doing this. I am only doing this becaus

up after Conall and Mathe coughed and moved their eyes up. He was in awe at how beautiful his mate looked. He was holdi

She could not believe how handsome he looked in his black suit with emerald green tie and pale yellow shirt that matched her cami and pants suit. She looked over at Dee and she had a grin that covered her entire face. Right then Bethanie knew this was planned to have matching attire.

eird going up her hand. She feels electricity moving throughout her body and removes her hand quickly o

ve any jewelry on. Did you

we were in a hurry

got this for you today when I

lped her put the necklace on as well as the earrings. He kisses her neck after putting the jewels on and sends tingles down he

he mate-bond is very strong and undeniable for both parties. To reject it would tear both parties apart if not destroy the

he human town. He took her to an expensive place where they had valet. He walked her

flowers setting on the tables, lights dimmed to a glow and candles on the table for just the right lighting to set the mood. There

to do for fun?” He asks he

th my girlfriends, spending time with my s

ferent cultures and foods. My brothers and I are a bunch of f

have a

cept for those that belong to my f

ised properly with values. That means a lot in our family which I

ke rude kids let alone adults. So many people in the world today are rude specially kids. I ha

. I tell them if they want a job they better act like it

ut with any

nor do my brother

azing, thank you

te welcome.

if you

em nor has her date. The music is booming inside that can be heard outside with the doors open and security guards standing letting people in. Nobody gets

ced someone sitting in a corner with some people, women to be exact. She looked over at the guy and noticed it was her boyfriend s

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