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His Firecracker

Chapter 4 Lachlan

Word Count: 1353    |    Released on: 15/01/2022

airs. I could not believe she agreed to go on the date with me

azing. Are you ready to go?” I ask

is date was just friends. I get that but she does not get it yet she will not be leaving this world behind after tonigh

my knew not to open the door that I would do it as I linked him as I pulled up. I gave her m

ng earlier and set the menu for us and made sure that his staff had it down and what time we would arrive and what to serve and order i

chair and guided her to sit and pushed it in for her then sat across from her. At first it was silent

our night club set just outside parklands. Tonight it was packed and louder than normal. We rarely

tonight, well the adults who could come the elders stayed home and baby sat all the kids. Sometimes we all just needed to cut loose with

so could my dragon and my brothers. I saw Beth stiffen she looked towards the booth ans she had a look on her face that said it all. She knew hi

ver there in the corner with a

not see exactly who

t this very spot? And why the fucking hell did he follow me?” She

u if need be, do not hesitate to tell me or my brothers

n Scotland. I don’t know what, how or even why he is here. I know he is very controlling or at least tries to control me as m

our territory even though it is set on neutral territory for all to come and have a good time with other packs. We did not allow th

r a while and not have to worry about that jerk. Now that just proves he is not honest and he cheats

broke it off right then and there. Bethanie is so pissed that she cannot see straight. She does not und

him it is over and I do not

“Did he respond back?”

ll keep seeing each other regardless of what I want.

feel u

on’t understand why and how he new exactly whe

will take care of it.

n are at over looking the club. They are looking for any shifters that

her phone number looked at by Champ including Chad’s number to see how he new she was here. Lachlan, get into her phone and see if there is somethin

hanie?” Conall is asking as he is

w. Can your friend pull all the t

e he has been texting, where they are located and everything else that you

le who will protect you with their lives. You are safe no matter where you go. And while you are h

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