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Chapter 1 Meeting each other

Word Count: 1152    |    Released on: 17/01/2022

athroom to brush my hair and teeth after I'm done I put my long brown hair up in a messy bun and run back to my room to call Monica, but just as I'm about to hit call I hear someone stumbling outside

p. "Why on earth wouldn't you call and ask for a ride, it's freezing out." Monica says "Well, I was going to but I got sidetr

attention I run into someone, my books falling to the ground, I look up and see this tall boy kinda cute if you ask me with his blue eyes and brown hair "S-sorry." I stutter crouching down to pick up my books that had fallen, "Don't be, let me help you with those." he said crouching down picking up some of my books and handing them to me, we both stand up "T-thank you." I say "No problem." he smiles "I should be getting to cl

nto in the hall as he smiles at me "Yeah" I nod and the teacher begins to talk "Alright class it seems we have a new kid in class, would you mind coming up telling us about yourself." The guy who I ran into and have yet to ask his name stands up waking to the front of the room "Well my name is Matthew but you guys can ca

ns pouring milk over my head, I quickly stand up turning around "What the hell!" I say and another minion pours pasta on me "Vanessa don't you and your minions have better things to do then to be bitches!" Monica says angrily, standing up balling her fists "Can it Monica, I don't even get why you would care about this worthless piece of crap." Venessa says harshly, Her words stung like vinegar in a cut "I mean everyone knows you could find a better friend, Shes worthless, fat, ugly, dumb, I don't even understand why shes on this earth." She adds and With those words tears start spilling out of my eyes, I go to r

my bag down, lay on my bed suddenly feeling exhaustion wash over me I fall into a deep deep sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Authors note: Bully's suck but it's always good to have friends who will stand by your side no matter what happens. I

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