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Mated With the Prince Of Hell

Chapter 3 Prophecy of the Mystic Lake

Word Count: 973    |    Released on: 20/01/2022

ed as I sucked the blood from my i

ooks like your frie

ed to check some books in the library," I

ier ... I missed telling you one thi

"Glimmering, I inquire. Although I don't believe i

d darkness will also arise with the

g is-I dont believe in a prophecy or witches. So, please dont

o me and ask about the prophecy," C

w Mr. Conor l

d as I peddled


he li

ety of the library until it stopped and surrounded the

first," The librarian said

her reading when sudden

ces, But no one answered. So annoyed that Ca

n the light went out again, s

peared, seeing the black mist floating, which

e loneliness gr

to find the owner

arrogant-an attitude

will fail you in all my subjects! "Carol exclaimed and backed away, seeing the black smoke change pos

'Caroline shouted while running

mured while trembling in fear." She's in that s

ne, so she stood up and walked to the door- no longer see th

he and loses her



to the room where the coven

ncy meeting for? "I

rs responded by displayi

dreaded doomsday is imminent

true, disaster will

cy is. "The only thing we know is to find

on't we know anything abo

your power will be complete, and you will

comes first before I r

hings that are set to happen will happe

. Tell me, where did you f

at each other before a

wer was felt at

Nashville Univers

. That's why we've included you in this meeting

retly as he cl

chool this year because I'm going to

n to go home. He just arrived in this town this m

hat girl named Jaymie Claire An

villa owned by

briel, wel

d the butler, Dante. "It's

k inside

s you

teriously replied, wit

ted in normal travel? Usually, y

... My power is restra

gs in a normal way

the kitchen

school for normal people, I'm not

and just smiled as he

, Ian Daniel w

g to is written in my great grandfather's r

of his room opens, and

Daniel uttered some incantation, and in a

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