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To Love a Mermaid

Chapter 2 Witch

Word Count: 1378    |    Released on: 26/01/2022


y forehead. I haven't had any nightmare ever since

ream I had, it would have bee

because of how scared I was. I clutched the shee

ghts. I prepared my bath myself without waiting for t

to my room to dress for school. It was whe

miss" they greeted

wered not spari

ude, do we look like her

the maids and I saw the

d maid but she wouldn't dare say a thin

my lotion and continue

enough to feed thirty children

ke anyone of them said anything so I decided to

she wants to kill us the same way she ki

id slowly trying to b


!!" I s

t and closed the

gs I heard just now, where did the

lately. That's why I had a nightmare and that's

nd picked up my bac

was about eating the bread an

her last meal. Just a sip of the tea and she's

through poison? I stood up ab

ated in the car going to school. How come I ca

if it's not possible, what's the meaning of

I will see if I'm able to read the mind of

at my school and I got down fr

and I just walked to class but not before

re she killed her parents so she can ha

she noticed me staring at her, she be

nd yes, I can read minds

arents, but why? Why will I kill the pe

y class. When I got in, I met the new transfer st

for a while befo

gant behaviour disgusts me a lot" he said and

is school and never return

oo loud" I said trying as much as possible not to

ead and stared

e asked pointing at himsel

t I kept quiet and just broug


not too far from me. Is sh

ind if she's not supernatural? I stared at he

ondered over what I just en

e?" I asked myself a question which

up and began searching for books about supernatura

found one. It looked old and rough pro

ck to where I sat bef

I came acros

g creatures and I know that too

s and it wasn't long before I found

n Ae Ri is a vampire? If she's

palm as realization dawned on me. I can't just

es at a time and searched for everything about them but I don't think I saw

ginning to the end but I didn't see an

d read the thoughts of their pack membe

ermaids. I've never liked mermaids

st. I checked the characteristics but I didn't see anything about readin

ches. Witches have always been known to be

e're done for. But she does

e a witch?" my su

her behaviour is supposed to b

uits her. She's really gentle and quiet. Although, she's rude an

school because I can't be in the same class with a

lly sca

his school anymore" I said wi



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