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To Love a Mermaid

Chapter 4 You like it

Word Count: 1375    |    Released on: 26/01/2022


never wanted to have a friend before but now tha

ne except my parents. They're the only

ard for me to open up to anyo

ted patiently for the f

e lessons are about to start. I stared at them as they came

parents were always there for me but now that I n

except Ye Jun. I'll try talking to him once c

e came in at that moment and sa

hile before looking awa

Jun. We didn't have the chance to talk during lun


re I was talking to him b

d and I nodded my head slo

so why are you talking to me

umbled staring

o you want?" he a

ible, I want us to be friends" I said st

friends with me?" he

. I've never had anyone to call a

e me then? You sho

nt a girl,

e can be friends, can I go no

friends treat

re so there's no way you'll kn

too. They don't talk rudely to each other a

smile often and I

together? I don't f

l like going home?

my parents died, I've been all alon

must be re

ep alone, watch TV alone. I don't think anyone can unde

that was when I remember

an because if the tears dro

forget all your worries even if it'

ag and we got into


ger because of what the Royal familie

The rest of them wanted her to s

she screamed sending s

hen the king and queen died, who took over the throne to

ingdom for over two

hose two years and came back vi

girl that knows nothing about this kingdom to take over? You've g

he will be gone for good. I'm your queen and it's going to remain that way until my daughter


sad and completely lost. She must be going throug

t's making me uncomfortable"

logised and s

at the lake. It's a place I come to spend time w

ouple with the beautiful trees surrounding the lak

l lake and got down from the car. She walked forward and

" I asked as

ly beautiful" she con

utiful now? I think she's eve

king to the lake after sn

sat on one too. She took of her shoe

it feel?"

and felt the breez

t feel like leaving here anym

u can't stay here forever. You can't even spend th

he night here sometimes but that will have to wait"

etimes. We can build a mini castle or what do y

that's okay" I s


lashed water on each other unti

said to Ae Ri who was obvio

she asked

! It's get

t, let'

d Ae Ri dropped me off

safe" mom said hugging

,I should have called to inform

't br..

rt anywhere? What happened to you? Where

not a kid" I sa

y worried" she said w

will make sure to ca

go freshen up and come




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