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Blood to Spare

Blood to Spare


Chapter 1 : History Repeats

Word Count: 1097    |    Released on: 29/01/2022

s she rolled the last suitcase to the door. "Byron, you take

time and don't worry about anything. I got this

kissed his cheek, "I know you do.

ith shades of green. Miranda always said they reminded her of when fresh water meets ocean water. Her skin fair, cheeks flushe

and squeezed her. "Okay

that I'm going to

miss y

ould drop the panties off any woman. Aside from good looks, Daniel was a well to do lawyer. One of the top five most requested in Alexandria, Virginia. He was taking his wife Miranda of 25 years on a cruise for a winter geta

uring the day he worked at the local bank as a teller, and after picking up Vanessa from school, he worked as a bus boy at the local diner. It was a long three y

th anyone in high school, and she especially grew distant after losing her parents. However, Rylie Summers was the extrovert who took the introvert u

er air stung her cheeks as she walked through the parking lot to her old Nissan Altima. Her phone buzzed in her purse and she

Little V?"

of work, what

g for an exam I'll hav

mine yesterday

it in." By

A mid-week exam i

study than you did, you

ber who helped m

to normal. "Anyway Little V, I called you to let you know that

r parents death, she needed to see him and wanted to introduce

hy, "It's the anniversary of our parents death. I know. B

ask Byron to be with her when he did deserve a getaway with friends. But s

's hard for me too, b

? What if I wa

ipping from his eyes, "You don't wan

ok. "It's fine Byron. You deserve to get away. I

tant, she didn't know, but he did take care of her and even dropped out of college to do

nd she smiled. Two days before Christmas, she was with Rylie at her aunt's house is Leesburg, Virginia. They were having a family Christmas party consisting of Ugly Sweaters and sugar

k?" she asked as sh

you Little V. I've decided to stay in New York. You won

ack, but the only answer she got was a dreaded beeping noise and an automated voice, "This number is currently out of service

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