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Forever Mine

Chapter 4 : The Party

Word Count: 1785    |    Released on: 29/01/2022


ide of the party. Eric still sat behind the wheel. Angel, who stood ou

m the ice chest and

Romero stood in the

reason he was there at all was for the possibility of seeing Sarah. He'd been thinking about her ever since the day they had talked. Hell, he'd thought about her during the ga

e she'd make the party. Looking across the street at the lights coming from the DJ in the bac

u," Romero said. "I'm re

ugged. He took another long

ent pelvic thrust a couple

was left of the twelve pack of beer in th

aking their way through the crowd. Angel was just beginning to scope the place when he saw her. He had to do a double tak

t curled at the bottom. Her jeans hugged her body, and she wore a pair of strappy heels. Her black blouse tied a

h. He intentionally placed himself facing Sarah's direction. He took a short swig of his beer but was careful not to drink too muc

He came back to announce they had after-party dates. Usually Romero got

Eric hadn't even heard. He was staring out

d Eric. "Hey, man. Did y

k to earth. "Sorry, m

n for later tonight. We get dessert, a

ularly last year, though not ne

gonna have to pass. I go

pass up a piece of ass 'cause you have t

round. "I'm right her

turned toward Angel. "Wh

d. "But Eric's my ride.

"Un-fucking-believable, hold

r beer. He walked toward the girls, stumbling a litt

und two of the girls."Who's he kidding?" Eric chuckled. "He's gonna

ere, and you know he's a

lled himself driving drunk, it scared them so much they'd all cut back. Even when they did dr

k in Sarah's direction. She had a cup in her hand. He wondere

r direction, pretending not to hear."You might as well go

at abou

lling me," A

ere by yourself?" Er

omeone I wanna

owledged him. He checked the box with the be

he still had plenty. Eric picked up the box and wa

he short blond girl holding a beer bottle with her

and his stomach clench up. Despite his attempts to calm down

Not overpowering, like some of the girls he'd hugged earlier.He wanted to put his arm around her w

Her expression went immediately from sta

t her all night, it wouldn't be long enough. "I almost didn't

ong, especially when I'm runn

. "It's beautiful though. You sho

ond. "Thank you." She a

ore she got uncomfortable and made an exit. He had no intention of letting her

d timidly


does everybody s

on him. "Out of a cup though? You can

expression challenged h

st empty. "As a matter of fact," she said, "I need more." She bent

n disbelief. "Oh, you're sick. You come to

th her. Sarah caressed the jug lovingly. "How el

e. Whatever it was, he loved it. He watched as she poured the wine in her cup, noticing how little she poure

on her. Angel raised his eyebrows in exaggerated disbelief. "Y

d her bottle. "I can't drin

ousin, Valerie," Sarah said.Ange

widened sligh

said her name. That, he would've never remembered. "So,

arah. "Sarah doesn't like he

e." Sarah held her

s hand up. "It's a she? Okay,

lerie got pulled away by another girl.Angel took his last s

h asked. "Yeah, tha

s ice chest. She giggled, pretending to b

was watching. "No, it's cool.

sh all this. She never does, and then we're

beer? Are

ake it home. My a

, let me help the cause

ed as he took a swig of his beer. He watched her the whole time. Her eyes were so big, her lashes so dark a

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1 Chapter 1 : Prologue & First meeting2 Chapter 2 : Unexpected hero3 Chapter 3 : The Invitation4 Chapter 4 : The Party5 Chapter 5 : Let's Get Out Of Here6 Chapter 6 : Jesse7 Chapter 7 : Mind Blowing Kiss8 Chapter 8 : Say it Isn't So9 Chapter 9 : About Sydney . . .10 Chapter 10 : I'm A Virgin11 Chapter 11 : Exclusivity12 Chapter 12 : No Such Thing13 Chapter 13 : Big Brother14 Chapter 14 : We Need To Talk15 Chapter 15 : Rollercoaster's Just Starting16 Chapter 16 : The Coach17 Chapter 17 : Next Level18 Chapter 18 : Mounting Guilt19 Chapter 19 : Justifying Lies20 Chapter 20 : Valerie Meets Alex21 Chapter 21 : I Can't Do This22 Chapter 22 : Getting Territorial23 Chapter 23 : The Talk24 Chapter 24 : Digging Herself Deeper25 Chapter 25 : All the Drama26 Chapter 26 : We Need To Talk About Sydney27 Chapter 27 : You Kissed Valerie 28 Chapter 28 : Breaking My Heart29 Chapter 29 : Feeling Torn30 Chapter 30 : I Lied31 Chapter 31 : Heartbreaker32 Chapter 32 : I'm Ready33 Chapter 33 : The L word34 Chapter 34 : Officially ALL His35 Chapter 35 : When I'm Gone36 Chapter 36 : Operation Tell Him The Truth37 Chapter 37 : Wicked Curveball38 Chapter 38 : I'd NEVER Abandon You39 Chapter 39 : Busted40 Chapter 40 : Shit Hits The Fan!41 Chapter 41 : The Aftermath42 Chapter 42 : The Final Blow43 Chapter 43 : You Don't Deserve Her44 Chapter 44 : I Can't Go Back45 Chapter 45 : Best News Ever46 Chapter 46 : Like Hell You Will47 Chapter 47 : Are You Shitting Me 48 Chapter 48 : The One Angel Called a Perv 49 Chapter 49 : Going Heads With The Coach50 Chapter 50 : Please Tell Me You See It51 Chapter 51 : Worsening Rumors52 Chapter 52 : The Invitation53 Chapter 53 : Just Me & Him54 Chapter 54 : Ready to Kill55 Chapter 55 : We Both Want This56 Chapter 56 : I Love You, Angel.57 Chapter 57 : Starting Anew58 Chapter 58 : Epilogue