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SHE belongs to HIM

SHE belongs to HIM


Chapter 1 001

Word Count: 917    |    Released on: 28/01/2022

moved, brushing at the disturbance without opening her eyes. She'd been lying out there for a while, enjoying th

s as swift as the water rushing across the smooth pebbles in the brook. Rising seemed almost impossible, her limbs lethargic and heavy but sh

e you

he harsh voice. She barely acknowled

n angry growl, his hand rough against her skin, digging into her

ye snapped, regretting her hasty wor

Momma doesn't know of the way you flit back and forth between the grocer and t

she began, only

me," he hissed. "I know what lies inside of you,

nd up, it was almost impossible to calm him down. "Let me go."

now. "If you do not move on your own volition then I shall have to let the go

wing he wasn't bluffing. "Why do you

r only

"You look the part of town slattern; you open your thighs for any man wh

arms to slow the shaking he was giving her. "I

d them tote on about their explicit affairs with you and how much you l

a man, Daniel. I wouldn't lie to you about that." She stared up and into her brother

bodily out of the way of the foot traffic around them and into a doorway that was quiet and semiprivate. "You can gift me with your veil

ook her head emphatically, her hands clasping each other and

so that she was trapped between him and the door, his fingers pulling at

e of the wooden paneling behind her, slapping at Daniel's

ld find her lips. "She would say that it was about time," he rasped. Then his mouth came down hard u

et with his drool. His hand was torturous, grabbing a fist full of her hair and holding her s

enetrable, and unwilling to hear her cries. His other hand ran down her body, pinching and probing at her flesh. He thru

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