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SHE belongs to HIM

Chapter 4 004

Word Count: 1012    |    Released on: 28/01/2022

Rafe, this lovely lady is Kinlye Smalley. She rescued me t

e as he made her out to be a hero. "It was nothing," she said softly as Rafe moved around the cre

lye. You must b

who'd also moved and stood next to R

lips. His eyes were a soulful brown, soft, and very young-looking. They blended well with the sof

room was so warm with the fire. Nikky lif


in her other hand as Christian guided her around the sofa the two men were sitti

be staying with us

and Kinlye couldn't help but like him. "We do h

fe. Kinlye's had a rough day. I bet

carried in front of her, nodding at the men, then left as quietly as he'd arrived. The tray had delicacies that could

ill, Kinlye

at abou

il she took it from him and took a small sip. It was thick and rich, still warm from the cow. He loaded up a plate for her and she nibbled a bit of ev

e, taking her napkin and dabbing it from he

you for opening your home to me." She rose, her hand upon her stomac

and led her out of the salon and toward the wide stairs that curved

. I could never grow sick of them. I do wish yo

a beautiful and intelligent woman as hostess will take a lot of the pressure off of Rafe. They can go about their own business with you here. It is t

I will be helpful. But if the day comes that I am no l

re coming to one that was open. "This is the Rose suite." He drew he

ng. The furniture was light-weight oak, pale and lovely against the deeper rose carpets. On one table was a huge bouquet of roses in different colors from wh

ously mean this for you. I don't think you've been given enough in your short life, Kinl

loser to him, her other hand coming up to rest against his chest. "I'm no

take advantage of you? Do you think I'm like your brother and that I have no conscience? Are you afraid that I'll try to seduce you?" He d

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