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Chapter 4 004

Word Count: 1074    |    Released on: 30/01/2022

the floor so that I knelt before her. I found myself looking at her pretty feet. I desperately wanted to kiss them, but couldn't b

ne slaveboy. Now for your

ook an auto-tattoo gun and had it imprint the word "slave" on my belly, then used it to draw on a barcode beneath. I could be called by my given name for the time being or a shortened designation, but o

body to everyone around me. I felt a rush of warmth as I displayed myself, comfortable and safe. The doctor beamed at me and clipped a leash to my collar. We walked out to the foyer and she showe

skin and red hair. A little frightened. The receptionist took her details as I continued to kiss her feet and express my gratitude for her

that my cock, balls, and backside would be properly on the show to anyone behind me. I would be punished if I forgot. I could feel her eyes boring into my newly tight, virgin hole. Hormones raged th

her forms, and took me back into the enslavement center proper. I was taken through to a waiting room where seven other slaves sat around the edge of the room. Their hands were

nger warranted, but the slavers knew to keep the volunteers coming back, there had to be some limits. Once I was done, the doctor sat me down near one of the women, an older-looking woman with a

his short designation of Slave KF-M-3, indicating initials, gender, and cock size category out of 8.

disobey and started

erosexual submissive sex slave subject to certain limits, or with use of my skills in oth

The pain was intense, breathtaking, exquisite. I felt immensely grateful for it, which came as a surprise to me. The doctor saw it on

s not reduced. It was c

all of my body hair, including my pubic hair. My body has been ch- um – corrected from twenty-e

slaveboy," s

a collar, and tattooed with a slave identification, and microchipped." I could see the doctor wanted more, "And, um, I have h

you wait. In approximately two hours, you will be transferred to the training compound outsid

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