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The Master of the World


Word Count: 1629    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

s strange case uninterrupted by either wife or children. My household consisted solely of an ancient se

some unforeseen circumstance interrupted it, some mission which could not be delayed. This leave

f which the road to Milwaukee and the shore of New England had been in turn the scene? I would have given m

f society, nor for the sporting page. You will not be surprised, then, that my first idea was to see if there was any news from North Carolina about the Great Eyrie. There was little hope of this, however, for Mr. Smith had promised to telegrap

attention were in reality one and the same. Very probably, at least, the two machines had been built by the same hand. And beyond


t the same time added weight to the idea. I murmured to myself, "After the mystery of Great Eyrie,

bitants of the Blueridge region had been in danger from an eruption or possible earthquake at Great Eyrie. While now, on every road of the United States,

e much alarmed. My old servant, naturally credulous and superstitious, was particularly upset. That same day after dinner, as she was clearing

, knowing well to

bile has no


the b

s no news even-in the

cret police

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please, of what u

which has phased

lainingly, "Some fine morning, he will come without warning, this t

s, there will be some c

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il himself, and you ca

Wisconsin race. It is he who is scurrying along the shores of Connecticut and Massachusetts. But putting to one side this evil spirit who is so necessary, for the convenience of the ignorant, there was no doubt that we were facing a most bewil

kind crowded to the front. The public of two continents was interested. In some parts of Europe there was even jealousy that America should have been chosen as the field of such an experien

d of the swiftest known vessels with the smallest minimum of speed which could possibly be assigned to the new boat, the article demonstrate

mystery of the Great Eyrie, the secret service of every co

in by his rallying me about my ill-success in Carolina, and I would res

is laurels. Take now this affair of the automobile and the boat. If you could clear that up in advanc

. Ward. And if you put

? Let us wait a wh

letter-carrier, a registered letter for which I had to sign. I looked at the address. I did not know

st was, no doubt, new

of another, "it must be from Mr. Smith at last. I know

"isn't that the place where the d


you don't mean

in that furnace of the Great Eyrie. And I

s see if it is not b

h three stars. The paper was thick and very strong. I broke the envelope and drew out a letter. It wa

thing but three initials a

from the Mayor of

rvant, doubly curious in her quali

ure, I said, "I know no one for whom these letter

ty lines in all. Here is the letter, of which I, with good reason, retained an exa

ie, Bluer

: North Carol


., Washing


the mission of penet

ighth, accompanied by the Mayo

all, and you encircled it, findi

. Know this: none enter the Great Eyri

pt will not result as did the first, bu

g, or evil fortun


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