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The Master of the World

Chapter 8 AT ANY COST

Word Count: 2811    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

accepted everywhere. Not only were these three vehicles

e? All the machine seemed to lack was the power of flying through the air. Nevertheless, everything that was known of the three different machines, as to their size, their shape, their lack of odor

hase it at once for the use of the nation. Assuredly, the great European powers would stop at nothing to be beforehand with America, and gain possession of an engine so invaluable for military and naval use. What incalculable advantages would it give t

ed from end to end. Even its depths were explored with a sounding-line without result. Must it be concluded that the submarine no lon

the roads, and like the boat from the shores of America. Several times in my interviews with Mr. Ward, we discussed thi

eventh of June, I was summoned

ere is a splendid chance fo

e Great Eyrie d


not knowing if he spok

not you like to discover the inve

rge of the matter, and I will accomplish the impossible, in

even more difficult than to pe

sured, out of mere unkindness. Perhaps then he meant to rouse my resolution. He knew me well; and realized

n powers; and that no blame attaches to you. But we face now a matter very different from that of the Great Eyrie. The day the gover

what I wo

ortant to place our hands on this fantastic inventor, who so constantly

been heard

he waters of Lake Kirdall, it has been impossible to find any trace of him anywhere around there.

"that he will never be se

dealing with him, and that is to offer him such an enor

hom surely no human being has ever better merited the title. The press had widely spread the news, and this extraordinary

ld hide it from the rest of us. There is every reason why he should sell it. Can this unknow

ad perished with his machine in some dangerous maneuver. If so, the ruined vehicle might prove almost as valuable and instructive to the mecha

st criminals, if they could flee from justice at such speed over both land and sea? How could we pursue them under the oceans? And when dirigible balloons should also have reached their full perfection, we would even have t

asked myself if I had better mention these things to Mr. Ward. But they seemed to have absolutely no relation to the matter now in hand. The Great Eyrie affair had been definitely put aside by the government, sin

moment, and in any part of the country. I have chosen you, Strock, to follow him the instant he appears. You must hold yourself ready to leave Washington on the moment. Do not qu

red. "But permit me one question. Ought I to act

interrupting me. "You are to choose two o

me day or other I stand in the presence

of him. If there is no other way, a

ile and to speed away at the rate we know of, I must stop him at any c

he arrest made, telegraph me. After t

ready to start with my men. I thank you for having entrusted

fit," added my ch

urn to the Great Eyrie, which she regarded as an ante-chamber of hell itself. She said nothing, but went about her work with a most

under my direct command given proofs of their vigor, courage and intelligence. One, John Hart, of Illinois, was a man

police knew them to be false. As to the reckless stories that appeared in the newspapers, they had most of them, no foundation

"man of the hour." The first asserted that he had been seen on the roads of Arkan

two points of the United States territory are not less than eight hundred miles apart. Even granting the automobile this unthinkable speed, greater than any it had yet shown, how could it have crossed all the interv

hine again dropped out of knowledge. Mr. Ward did not think it worth whi

be done. The following official notice was published in every newspaper o

Kentucky, of Ohio, of Tennessee, of Missouri, of Illinois; and on the twenty-seventh of May, during t

d appeared off the coast of New England between Cape Cod and Cap

submarine boat was run beneath the waters of

ave built these three machines, or perhaps that they are the s

o the said inventor, whoever he be, wit

with the United States government. He is also requested to answer as promptly as possi

reach the eye of him for whom it was intended, wherever he might be. He would read it. He could scarce fail

the spot. What honor, what profit would come to the paper which was first to publish the famous news! To know at last the name and place of the undiscoverable unknown! And to know if he would agree to some bargain with t

ur hours! And each hour held far more than sixty minutes! There came no answer, no letter, no tel

government had done. The different Powers of the Old World hoped also to obtain possession of the wonderful invention.

ntering, with their smaller resources, upon a useless effort. The European press published notices identical with that of the United States. The extraordin

a day the newspapers would add up the amounts, and these kept rising from millions to millions. The end came when the United States Congress, after a memorable session, voted to offer the sum of twenty million dollars. And there was not a citizen

s was this mighty struggle of the great rivals! The inventor did not appear! He did not exist! He had never existed! I

sponse from him. He appeared no more. For my part, not knowing what to think,

box of the police bureau. After the authorities had studied it, it was given out to the Washi

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