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My vampire

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 411    |    Released on: 07/02/2022

mortals, Gerard. No matter how elevated

least look chagrined. "I apologize for overstepping

ws closer to dawn. "I'll be needed at Corliss's offices tomorrow and I m

on site at Chaudière Crossing. Let me kn

d hopefully have something helpful by the tim

o reflect, your entire body shudders and you feel weak in the knees. Un-life in the upper crust of Ottawa's Camarilla society is rarely dull and is filled with very real dangers, but those are attacks of a political nature, and to fall in a battle of wi

y, much the same as it is granted. Left to their own devices, a vampire's un-life could extend indefinitely, but the undead eventually desire purpose. True to the spirit of your damned nature, this desire manifests in the form of deadly politics, activism, or violence. For years now, the lat

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