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My vampire

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 581    |    Released on: 07/02/2022

ays, shaking the chain with trembling fingers. "Think about all he repre

rous. In the end, it doesn't matter. The bound Gangrel was part of Ward's group of Anarchs, and not only did they risk break

Lucca and Jordan are arguing over something in animated whispers, and behind them you see Bouchard and


ng. The Feral looks none too pleased, b

ks about furtively. "Eden can only keep the police away for so long. If we ge

your pace speeding up when sirens blare from the north, over the border in Gatineau. Bouchard n

" she says as you arrive at the edge of the construction site. "If Arundel really was Beckoned, we have a lot of slack to pic

lmost catching on a metal support bar as you cross the bridg

red knives, each skillfully wielded by those Kindred whose day-spawned dreams bloomed ripe with a hunger for ascension, eternally waiting just out of reach. But they could

ppearances, and by the third and fourth, unrest within the community was all but inevitable. As the Prince's Seneschal, your sire Eden Corliss now faces the full weight of responsibility, and powerful Kindred have already expressed doubts

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